I just got the most excellent and amazing news of my life.
It's too early to reveal the details, but let me just say that Thursday night will be the greatest night in the history of ever for myself and at least one friend of my choosing.
On Friday I went to see Cassidy in More Old-Fashioned Poison Candy at the Nightingale (everybody go!!) with Rick and Kristel. We stayed after to eat pizza, drink Jack Juice, etc. On Saturday night I went to the Yevgeny Yevtushenko thing at the PAC by myself. Loved it. So much fabulous. I ran into Jen Hoppa in the lobby and we went to get sushi and
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I'm back and I'm busy. I have an exam tomorrow night, a paper due in the same class, Feminist Theory to read, a Russian exam on Tuesday, and about 7,000 other things to do
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