I will, I will, I WILL

Aug 09, 2005 11:49

write about the festival before I forget everything that happens. I'm promising myself.

But for now, I just want to mention that it's over and that I'm really depressed. I feel like I've lost a child. And all I'm left with are dozens of business cards and a couple of misshapen limbs thanks to (I'm guessing) allergic reactions to bug bites I got at the pool party.

So where do we (I) go from here? Back to Tulsa, obviously. I have to pack all week for The Big Move. I'm not at all looking forward to it. I have nothing to look forward to there, really. I feel so distant from everyone I know there. Not like I have so many close friends here, but you know. I'll make the best of it, I will have fun. I'm going to start working on my new projects now- getting submissions and bands for EdgeWorks, figuring out what the hell is going on with Lost Film Fest, calling Music for America to try to work something out there, Earth Matters maybe? I don't know, it really sucks to be losing all of this. I feel like anywhere else I go just won't be right for me. Or something like that. Hopefully these new things will help me get back into the swing of things in Tulsa. It'll be a weird transition, I think.

Oh well.

tulsa, work, lame

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