Dec 25, 2005 20:59
Know what the best thing about Christmas is?
No more god damned, worthless, peice of shit Christmas specials for a whole year!!!!!!
I'm just kidding. Well, not about the christmas specials part, but I had a pretty good day. I got some good stuff, but it really wasn't about the presents. A lot of my friends have issues with their families, and hate the idea of having to spend an entire day pretending to care about those people. I don't have an opinion of these people one way or the other, what they do and how they treat people is their business (and a lot of them have reason to hate their families), but I just wish everyone could have what I have. I have an amazing family (both immediate and extended) who I know will always be there for me, no matter what. We can laugh at each other and make fun of each other, but when push comes to shove there is nothing that could drive us apart. My Christmas was wonderful because I finally realized that. I would rather be in this house with my family being lame and doing stupid Keene things then anywhere else in the world. And I just wish that everyone has that kind of bond with their family.
Ok, this is going to be confusing but bear with me. My cousin is dating this woman who has two little girls, a five year old and a three year old. Both have curly blond hair and are angels. I watched my father playing with them and I realized that I was watching a scene from 17 years ago. I was watching my dad play with me and I realized why I have such an amazing life, because I was given unconditional love as a child and still recieve that same amount of love today. I can't wait to have children just to be able to watch my father interact with them.
wow...enough of that sap!
Got a digital camera...way cool. Been wanting one for a long time. And my mom got me personalized floor mats for my car that say MAR CAR TRUCK "No Road? No Problem?". It's so tacky. I LOVE it! I don't know why they say TURCK. I think it had to be on there...or something like that. And I got $150...which is good cuz now I have money to buy Christmas presents for friends (before i got this, all they were gonna get was a lot of hugs...and maybe i'd do their laundry). My grandma got me an adapter so when I go to Europe I can plug my stuff in. She didn't pick it out, my mom did, but she paid for it, so I guess she gets points for that. HAHAHA oh cousins got science encyclopedias becauase they are smart and show potential, my brother got a puzzle because he isn't smart and wants to go into the army. Well, it made me giggle anyways.
Supposed to hang out with Maria tonight but she hasn't called so I don't think we are. Whatever. I miss Carrie and Jake. That's it. No body else. Nope, I can't even lie in a LJ. I miss Chris like crazy. But I'll see him in a week or so. I don't know what I'm going to do during January. If I'm not taking this acting class, I'm going to be bored as hell. I mean I will be working and I'll be tripping off pain killers for about 10 days, but other then that what am I supposed to do? Chris is class from 9:30 am til 6pm, so I guess I'll have lots of time to...knit? clean? cook? ew I'm so domestic.
Well, as cheesy as it sounds I truly hope that eveyone had a wonderful Christmas.