Nov 04, 2010 08:07
So, my sister put up a slightly snarky comment on my FB status the other day, which I wrote about in one of my journal entries. I then went onto my Facebook and wrote the following comment in response.
"My life is just as stressful as yours.... for different reasons but still. Just sayin'."
I thought that was the only real way to respond to that comment. I thought and rethought about responding at ALL.... but I've heard these kinds of little snarky comments from her for quite a while and ignored them so.... when is enough enough right? I didn't feel my comment was terribly snarky.... just snarky enough to say "Hey, this is my FB status and I don't like being made to feel like my life/stress if any less than yours."
I heard nothing back from my sister so. No worries I thought. I thought.
Then yesterday, which was my faIther's birthday, I called to talk with him. After I finished talking to him, as always he passed me to my mother to chat with her. The very first thing out of her mouth was "So, what are you and your sister fighting about on Facebook?"
Really? Fighting? I told her we had a slight disagreement. She said something rather insensitive and I took it personally. I told my mother I don't know why it bothered me and continues to bother me but it did. I told her I HATE when my sister says these things because it makes me feel like she's trying to point out how inferior my life is without children. My mother assured me that my sister didn't mean it that way (which part of me knew) and that I need to ignore her comments because they are unlikely to stop. She then went on to talk to me about how April and I need to stop this crap because teaching kids and having kids are two totally different things and neither of us really knows more than the other. She also told me she would NEVER want to teach and that she chose not to be a stay at home mom for a reason.
Then she did something that I really am still kind of hurt by. She brought up the fact that my not wanting children because of my job is not a valid excuse. She didn't say those exact words but she did say that having kids in school and going home to kids at home are two completely different things. And she said it's different when it's your own kids.
WHY? Why does everyone in my family have to do this? I don't want kids. That isn't a character flaw. That does not make me less of a human being. I should not have to feel like shit because I have decided to not reproduce. I can't afford kids. I don't want to bring them into this world and not be able to pay for them. Why is this so hard for people to understand? No, I don't think it likely I'll change my mind. And even if I did change y mind (that's a BIG if) chances are it would be only one child and it would be a joint decision with whoever the father would be. So.... suck it please. I am TIRED of having to deal with this crap from society let alone my own frickin' family.
*sigh* Today is a day I am grateful to be 4 states away from my family.
life choices,
sucktastic people,
crappy days,