Nov 01, 2010 07:58
Icon.... totally ganked and I can't remember where or from who. It is awesomeness.
Dear Cat, Please remember that if you lay down, sit or stand directly under my feet, you WILL get stepped on. Thanks. Cindy
Nutella + Whole Wheat Toast = Best Breakfast EVER!
Need to get back to taking regular walks.... schedule thus far is not cooperating. *sigh*
Why can't my USO dress just sew itself?
For once I am not looking forward to a program... just looking forward to it being over so I can get back to a regular teaching schedule. Usually it's the other way around because doing the same thing over and over again for a few weeks is easy to plan for.... regular teaching schedule is not so much. Weird.
Halloween Sunday was pleasant, cool, clear and all around a lazy day for Lee and I. I want more days like that. Doesn't seem likely to happen anytime soon though. *le sigh*
I am reserving judgement on the Christmas show for after this evening's rehearsal. However, having had a chance to speak with others who are involved... we are all under the same "lack of organization" haze and skeptical it'll get better anytime soon. At least I am not alone and am not going insane. Nice to know cuz sometimes I wonder if I'm overreacting.
lazy sunday,