Sep 13, 2010 12:54
OK.... the hypomelanistic hatchling that came out of Isolde's clutch got me to wondering. I know nothing about this snake's genetics except what she looks like, what kind of male snake she was "possibly" with before I got her, and that she was sold to the guy I bought her from as an Anery motley. The person I got her from said she was a granite motley. I am not terribly certain why but I don't know if that's what she is.
I haven't checked lately to see if she has a checkerd belly. A granite would not have any checks at all. All that aside.... I plugged in granite and carmel (the supposed male sire) into my genetics software... and it says all the offspring would be normals. This hatchling is definitely a hypo. So, I tried charcoal by caramel and voila! Hypos and normals. So.... I guess it's a wait and see game of what will come out of those other eggs.
The other little head I saw peeking this morning looked brown.... like a caramel.... but won't be able to tell for certain till it crawls out. This is just messed up.
I've never had my head hurt so much from snake genetics before.