Update on this weekend.

Aug 09, 2010 08:44

Well, I had a HUGE amount of stress dumped on me Friday night.  Lee and I went to take the tables and chairs down to the craft show... and found out they had placed me in the OPEN SUN.  On the registration form it asks if you have a canopy or tent.... I marked no.  They then asked that since I was a returning vendor that I put in writing at the bottom where I would like to be placed.  So I did.  Then they put me on the back 40 in the OPEN FRICKIN' SUN!  I pitched a fit and said I really didn't need skin cancer just over a craft show.  The next morning, as I was setting up my tables in the horrible spot one of the ladies in charge informed me that some vendors under the Front Street over hang (there a wooden canopy built over the Front Street shop fronts) and that I could move there.  As usual, the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
Saturday there was SO much foot traffic that I didn't get to sit down for nearly 4 hours straight.  Lee was chipper and helped me set up and sell..... he's so good to me.  He also brought me ice for the coolers, bottled water, Ginger Ale, Cheezits to snack on and breakfast.  Sales were good but not nearly as good as I would have liked.
That evening we got all dolled up and went to the Cabaret at the Depot.  It was very good.  We met some new contacts in town and chatted and drank wine and had a great time.  We then went to a lame street dance to hear our friend Bonnie's band play.  They were good but the pavement for dancing was NOT good for dancing so we went home and went to bed.
Sunday was a MUCH slower day... as usual.  I still made some sales but again not as many as I would have liked.  I had a strange lady come up and want to buy a ring.... but only if I had a matching one for her other hand.  I explained that I don't make the same piece twice usually and that I did not have any more of those particular beads left in my stock.  She moved on and did not purchase the ring.  Really?  Since when do have people started wearing rings that match on both hands....?  Odd.....
That's it for now.... more entries to come.

craft shows, life, jewelry

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