Sep 14, 2009 08:27
My icon is merely there because I don't seem to have one that fits this particular mood.
I am tired. I know, I say that all the time but I am. I had the busiest Sunday I have had in a LONG time yesterday. We did some tech work at the theater yesterday afternoon. We took the lid off the orchestra pit. Now, that doesn't sound like much but trust me.... its heavy, awkward, and has to come off in pieces. Also, those pieces have to be taken off in a certain order and reassambled downstairs in storage in a certain order. It takes a small village to take the orchestra pit lid off. Then, we needed to clear off the old scenery from the previous production so the rest of the set construction on the current set could be finished. We needed to arrange the scenery that is finished in a certain order so it will all fit on the stage and so the 23 actors involved will know what space they are dealing with.... which isn't much. Then, we did a little routine housekeeping in the rest of the building. All together, with about 15 people there it took 2 1/2 hours. I was tired after that but glad it was done and that I had helped.
Then, I had to dash home, make some dinner (which wouldn't be eaten by Lee or myself until after rehearsal), take a bath, and check my messages before heading back to the theater for 2 1/2 hours of rehearsal. And its not just that its rehearsal.... this is the HARDEST role I've ever taken on. Its not just singing.... its full voice belting the entire time and trying not to flat (yesterday wasn't a good day for not flatting) while singing around allergies/head cold sinus issues. I am tired. I ate dinner at 8:30pm.... which I dislike doing before a work day. I was awke in mind until almost 11pm but my body was just done. Tossing and turning was inevitable. Then, my dreams took me to the most messed up alternate reality ever and kept me there right up until my alarm sounded at 6:15 this morning. I am tired.
I have two hours of rehearsal tonight. At least its just singing rehearsal but still..... I'm going to be tired again. I just want a day to myself to not feel tired anymore. Can I have one please? Saturday wasn't enough apparently.