THEMED ditl - Perfection :)

Jul 15, 2007 23:52

Its been a while since I did a ditl. Indeed, I wasn't really gonna do one. But then i saw that the theme was "perfection". and I happened to be going to a dog show. And if that's not the epitome of perfection-obsession, I don't know what is.

turned out to be a looooooong day. Filled with many many dogs. and cats. And I usually keep it down to below 30 pictures, but I went all out to 40+. So forgive me for the picture spam, every picture included (and some that weren't) seemed totally worth it.

I was woken up rather early...

We went for a brisk walk. Perry walked perfectly.

omg he's actually eating! Perfect! I usually have to beg Per to eat...

over breakfast, Yuri shares some random wisdom. He thinks he's perfect.

I was planning to leave at 10. Not so perfect...

Yuri decided to dress as... a colourblind golfer?

We're about to leave and the puppy is sitting perfectly.

the mum actually left the house! Perfect!

We got to the car a bit late. Story of my life. I don't think we have ever left to go anywhere when we planned to.

New Jersey looks so different from Brooklyn. Its too perfect-looking sometimes. Suburbs creep me out...

We arrive a bit past 11:30. Surprisingly perfect, i assumed we'd be there much later. And no its not the 1st today, I can't get the date to change, lol.

I'm among those crazy wacko dog people. Perfect :D I saw an RV that said "caution show dogs" - that's so gonna be me someday, lol

Typical dog show junk and trinkets. Those pictures really weren't perfectly done. I could draw much better, if i say so myself.

...and so if we look further, we see dogs all over the place waiting by the rings, waiting to prove their perfection.

Pugs weren't gonna show for quite a long time. They were hanging out for a while.

Growing into perfection. This is an afghan puppy... that looks nothing like it will look when its an adult. But friggin beautiful, either way.

Perfect temperament. I kneeled down near this guy, and he came over and got right into my face. hehe, cute bastard.

Perfect only in pictures. Wheatens - as common knowledge states (and groomer experience) - are absolutely the devil. But they look nice and pretty in a still picture :P

...I dunno what happened here. Never found out why the dude was in a quilt. He was holding a Black Russian Terrier (whose grooming I'm not crazy about, he looks too curvy to me). The bald guy who got cut out of the pic is a major BRT dude who I see at every show i go to, literally.

Perfect grooming. This is a row of shih tzus with their topknots being prepared.

More perfect prep. These guys were preparing outdoors under a tent. This is a breed I really want to own some day.

Here's a more whole view of the rings. where all that search for perfection happens.

Showing perfection and competing for it. The Standard Poodles were *beautiful* today.

Here's another one showing his perfect features. This guy did not stand still for a second.

As they win and prove their perfection, pictures are taken to celebrate and commemorate.

A very happy guy. He should be, his min pin was considered closest to perfection today.

After proving their perfection, they can go back to being dogs...

They can mess up their hair and relax. They don't have to be perfect again until the next show...

now, these are the perfect creatures I came to see. Italian Greyhounds.

I got to meet a couple of them up close. There were only three showed that day, and they were from the same family. Not much of a competition. But apparently these dogs are related to Perry's line.

And this little girl is the perfect colour. I dream of getting a blue IG like her some day. She wasn't shown though, she just came to watch. Her owner was a nice lady, who unfortunately had a thick accent and spoke in a whisper. I just smiled when she smiled and didn't understand a thing.

As soon as the IGs showed, we headed home. This wasn't a very exciting show, so i didn't care that much to see the outcome Best in Show. Although I'm sure the winner was perfect in many ways.

On the way home we quickly stopped at a store to pick up some eggs and stuff. The cherries looked perfect, i couldn't resist buying some.

I came home to a puppy very happy to see me. Perfect.

...not perfect! Meh, Perry ate a tile off the floor. WTF dude, there's a bin of dog toys riiiight there! Untouched, lol...

This animal here would never do such a thing, for example. Tim is perfect.

Anton is rather more mischievous. ...but he's never eaten a tile.

Whatever. He doesn't know what he did. Besides, he's been pent up all day. We need to go stretch those long legs of his. I know, I'm bad for letting him sit in the car like that. In his defense, he sits perfectly. We're careful.

we went to Plum Beach (as i found out its called). Its tiny, and there are hardly any people. Its perfect.

I didn't mention, we picked up Konsky along the way. Hey, he looks skinny in this pic. Perfect ;)

This beach was full of... dead horseshoe crabs. I mean they were littered *everywhere*. It was so sad...

Shipwreck. The graffiti was just perfect, lol.

Perfect. Except for hair and expressions and stuff. But still. Perfect.

He ate twice in one day, without issues. Perfect!

Awesome pjs. Spiffy day. Full of perfection of sorts.
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