Me so Lucky!
I divided my Friends into four groups recently, in a desperate attmept to deal witht he large numbers of things I'm tracking.
Suddenly one of those friend-groups no longer updates. Anyone have any ideas better than going through every user in the group and seeing if they are working?
quoting the Bible, particularly for your church, make sure you
pay close attention.
So, my giddiness at the potential viewing of Korn and Disturbed in one venue has dropped. Disturbed announced over the weekend that they'll be doing two shows (one in ChristChurch, I dare all those Cantaburians to go) but at different times to Korn. In fact, they are playing Auckland one week before Korn.
This is really annoying. I like Disturbed a lot and Louise is a devotee of the portly bald guy (lucky me). However we haven't seen Korn before and the chances of them playing again are lower than Disturbed. disturbed is touring its third album and came for their second as well whereas Korn are touring their seventh (not including a greatest hits) and last came by after their third.
So at the moment we're thinking we'll go see Korn and then see Disturbed if they come by again.
Goddamn Logic paper. I spent the morning going through truth table exercises (fun fact. If you have two prepostional variables the truth table will by 4 lines long. At three variables it becomes eight lines long and you can guess what that meant for the four variabled exercises). As soon as I finished and felt content I discovered I had been wildly misinterpreting /\ in a way that isn't even part of the symbolic language.
Then I read into a new section and got lost in jargon immediately.
Le sigh.
Still, now I know what this ~ symbol on the keyboard is for. It's a fancy way of saying -.