Jun 02, 2005 16:25
Date: May 29, 2005 2:17 PM
Subject: awww
Body: Find a guy who calls you "beautiful" instead of "hot". who calls you back when you hang up on him. who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep. wait for the boy who kisses your forehead & who wants to show you off to the world when you're in your sweats. who holds your hand in front of his friends. who thinks you're the prettiest when you have no make up on and insists on holding you around the waist. the one who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have you.. the one who turns to his friends and says "that's her"
girls repost this if you want a guy to treat you like this
guy repost this if you will treat a girl like this-PS it rele works ;)
You know why you can’t find someone to treat you like this? BECAUSE YOU’RE LOOKING IN THE WRONG GODDAMN PLACES!!! I’m gonna make an estimate here and say that about 90% of the girls in the school are after the same 50 guys. I think that the same can be assumed the other way, guy to girl. Now consider the following:
1. That’s 270 guys to 50 girls, and vice versa. That’s a ratio of 5.4 to 1. Never gonna work by our definition of civilized behavior.
2. You gotta assume that most often the ‘top fifty’ of each just make it with each other, with exception, maybe, but still, that leaves 220 people per gender at least slightly disappointed, no?
On top of that those top one hundred are by human nature soulless pricks. Continuously having you’re ‘pick of the litter’ will do that. Everyone is looking for the person that’ll treat them right, but few find them because they skim the top 15 percent or so and ignore the rest. “sink a little deeper,” look for the people that are continuously passed over because they don’t fit the mainstream criteria of ‘beautiful’ or ‘sane’ and you’ll find people who’ll treat you real good. They notice you as a person, with few exceptions, and would tend to be better companions simply because they don’t have an overwhelming variety of bottom feeding, leeching, moronic people watching they’re every move because they’re popular. The people who remain hidden, tossed aside by everyone else are the ones to look for... they’ll treat you right... but you couldn’t bear it, could you? To be associated with the weirdos, the fat, the slow, the people who are any smarter than you, would be a crime punishable by social death, now wouldn’t it? People care to fucking much what other people think. Nobody wants to stand up for what they really feel. They just follow the popular ideas, and bury their own. Hide them even from themselves, so they can be ‘great,’ ‘powerful,’ popular. No one does it because it’s cool, or because it’s different, or even because it’s fun. We do it because it’s right. Someone has to tell us where we’re going to prevent us from filing quietly into the slaughterhouse. People do some of the dumbest shit I have ever seen to be ‘cool.’ No one would ever think it was a smart thing to do unless one of our social geniuses, our ‘popular’ crowd hadn’t suggested it and had everyone following them around again like sheep before they could even think what they were doing. Look at the way people follow celebrities and tell me I’m wrong. You can’t. Everyone just goes along with it because they’re afraid of being wrong. It’s goddamned in-fucking-credible. I want to scream every time I see our new stories, important shit like murder, plane crashes, fire, water, earth, wind rising up and destroying humanity, pushed back so we can find out that someone, somewhere, thinks Britney FUCKING Spears is FUCKING PREGNANT. WHO THE FUCK GIVES A SHIT?? I’ll tell you- it’s those people you look to for the latest trends in fashion, speech, whatever. I AM SO TIRED OF DEALING WITH THESE FUCKING MORONS! For god’s sake- how friggin excited would you be if some woman the next town over was pregnant? Tonight on the 10:00 news, the first to bring you this breaking news story. There’s an insane axe-murder on the loose, slaughtering dozens of innocent victims, and--- wait, this just in: BRITNEY GOD DAMNED FUCKIN SPEARS IN FUCKIN PREGNANT! I can’t believe she could be pregnant, Bob! Here’s Jack Mehoff to tell you about her. Never mind the fact that there’s a guy killing people up and down you’re street with an axe, that’s not important, BECAUSE SOMEONE FAMOUS COULD BE HAVING A KID, and someone else just said THE DUMBEST FUCKIN THING ON EARTH, but it was a celebrity, so everyone agrees, IT’S GENIUS! It’s gotta be the greatest thing I’ve ever heard in my life, something to live by, because BRAD FUCKIN PITT SAID IT!! KILL ME NOW, because I have never seen a bigger pit full of moronic examples of humanity than can be found in the absolute HELLHOLE KNOWN AS HOLLY-FUCKING-WOOD, CALI-GOD-DAMN-FORNIA!! Now, here’s to the hope that someone out there reads this and realizes what an absolute ass they are.