Jun 10, 2009 03:41
T'ch, humans. Never did see what the others saw in them. The blonde's still an annoying, vain princess.
Then there are those damn cats running around. Place was better when I just had to deal with the stench of human. Least I don't run around gender confused.
And what's that cop's problem? Calls me an ass but I'm not the one cussing up a storm whenever I talk. Should look in a mirror.
Except he'd break it.
[ooc: Why yes this IS a dream lolol I fail his last dream was in MARCH >_>. And basically it's just Tsume thinking up random insulting thoughts about various people he dislikes :D TAKE A GUESS ON WHO IS WHO tags won't help you~~~ 8D and he really doesn't care if people could hear them since he pretty much told all that stuff to their face. but it coooould cause potential concern for others hmmm? :D]
*type: documentary,
cat poser,
prissy princess,
insulting can be fun,
stupid cop,
stupid cats,
tranny cat,
you were hurt? not sorry