Jul 01, 2007 23:01
I'm trying to remember all of the stuff that I've done this summer, so I can prove that I exist and that the last 2 months weren't an alien abduction.
* Read Sunshine
* Read Stardust
* Got a baby Quaker parakeet
- Took him to the vet for the first time ever
- Saw him take a "bath" in a bowl (... twice!), which might be the best thing I've ever seen.
- Found out 7/17 that "he" is actually a "she" :)
* Went to Cheesecake Factory and had an amazing belgian waffle for Sunday brunch
* Saw Knocked Up
* Saw Live Free or Die Hard
* Saw PotC 3
- Thought that it had the cutest after-the-credits ending I've ever seen
* Saw Transformers
* Saw Waitress
* Saw Disturbia
* Saw 28 Weeks Later
* Went to a lovely party at Monica's
* Went to the airport to pick someone up... twice!
* Drew/colored a big picture of Jean Grey
* Made table cards of Roman piazzas for a wedding
* Hit level 60 in WoW
* Went to a terrible body sculpting class that hurtttt
* Applied 5 places for a job
* Stood up for myself, finally, about something important
* Got taro bubble tea at Russ'... twice!
* Got lavender rollerblades and actually used them
* Got some new music that I really like
* Got really angry at an obnoxious person for a good reason, but controlled myself (by writing an angry letter that I didn't send)
* Made a step in the right direction with my BFFE, Tim
* Practiced meditating with a candle
* Changed my MySpace layout
* Got Castlevania: Curse of Darkness for only $10 at EB
* Learned to play the Legends of the Fall theme on the piano
* Managed to resolve kind of a big issue with my little sister
* Celebrated my mom's birthday
- Got my mom a dinosaur card that said, "Hey, remember us? We used to sit next to you in homeroom!"
* Celebrated my sister's birthday
* Celebrated Father's Day
* Played Guitar Hero for the first time correctly in Best Buy
* Made yummy waffles in the waffle iron by myself
* Got a huge cavity filled
- I'm getting my first crown!!!!111 ZOMG!
- Eww.
* Babysat an adorable 2 year old named Logan from Tennessee.
* Rediscovered Honest Tea which is deliciously (and barely) sweetened.
* Went to the beach (but didn't swim in the water because it was freezing)!
And what I haven't done/didn't do:
- Gone to the beach (even once)
- Gone to see Daywatch in Orlando
- Gone anywhere outside of Naples, really
- Got scuba certified
- Got a job
- Read the other 8 books I want to have read
It feels good to make a list that I can actually look at because I've been here since May 8th and I can barely remember what I had for dinner last night, let alone what I've been doing since I got home... *sigh*