Sep 04, 2005 18:08
Her smooth cheek pressed up against mine. Her only free hand found its way around my side, pulling down at the back of my shirt as she sqeezed a little harder. Blonde hairs tickled my newly shaven head, as the lump that had been quiet all that time finally surfaced in my throat. My eyes shut but for an instant of always, a still picture of all that I felt in the moment. My hands clenched tightly around her for what I wish was forever, but reality deemed seconds.
We pulled away, and I stared into her green pools as we exchanged words that mattered not. The scar across the bridge of her nose made me remember the first time I saw her so long ago. I knew her in little moments of time, tiny pieces of memories in which we were friends... just for a while.
Those purple glasses and that unshowered hair from the first time I saw her in the airport. That first moment we locked eyes. That late night run to Wendy's for a burger and a coke. The trips back and forth to set and to the hotel where we shared our lives, our ideals and our fears. The couple of hours we spent together getting her rental car... she drove me back to mine. The night she was hurt, and I put my arm around her as her eyes fell....
...and the airport again, where suddenly my heart awoke, just as she turned her eyes away for the last time. I watched as the back of her blonde hair flowed slowly away from me, blurred more with each step by my tear-welling eyes. It's so easy for the heart to engage.... but it's so hard when your heart tells you it's time to walk away. So I turned my foot and took the long walk that so many have walked before.
Some will read this and think I'm being dramatic. Some will read this and think I was caught up in delusions, that what I feel isn't real, or isn't reciprocated, and maybe this is true. Sometimes your mind paints a picture of things that aren't entirely representative of the whole. But I know what I feel is true. And I know that every time she walked off set, every time she had a break, she would walk over to me, smile, and talk to me of the day. Maybe she never cared. Maybe she forgot about me when she got on the plane. Maybe shortly thereafter. Or, maybe, just maybe, we'll always remember the best of each other in some little way, and carry that with us for all time. After all, when you care about someone, no matter what, that's the most you could ever ask for.
As the tail of her plane lifted out of sight, I remembered all the smiles we shared. And while we were friends just for a while, I will never forget the friendship we had, for when all is gone, the memory is what's important. Hope everyone is doing well tonight, take care, I'll write again soon.