I am having a good day today. (so far)
Got the news last night that Ron Livingston's show Defying Gravity will be premiering on August 2nd - which is a Sunday so I'll be at work, but I have every intention of watching it when I get home, sleep be damned. That, of course, means I'll have to avoid certain journals until Monday, but that'll be fine, I'm sure.
And last night, I had a dream that was awesome and weird and interesting but makes me smile whenever I think about it.
Pretty much what the cut says. I'm in a car with Nick Jonas and we're driving through the woods. I don't remember the exact conversation we were having, but we're arguing about music. He insulted someone I like, so I insulted Elvis Costello. There was silence after that. Then the woods clear and standing outside the door of this mall is Johnny Depp, in all his ripped jeans and flannel shirt tied at the waist glory. He looks annoyed, but I'm really happy to see him and I hug him ( have I mentioned that I have vivid dreams? Because I do.) So we're in the mall and one of the people I take care of at Hope House is there, and suddenly I understand why he's upset. (I would never insult any of the people I support, but there are behaviors that can be annoying if you're not used to them).
Anyway, we all walk through the mall, and this person I support would just stop at random intervals and quote ROOTS.
There was some stuff after that with a boy I haven't seen since elementary school, eating a hamburger with way too much ketchup, that kept getting on his face and clothes instead of in his mouth. We got into a sparring match but my alarm woke me up before it could end. Besides, that's not the important part. That first paragraph up there is. You know how when you're little all those kids' shows tell you that all your dreams can come true? Um, HIGHER POWERS? YOU WANT TO GET ON THAT?
I was watching French Kiss this morning, and if you've seen it, you know that seen when she tries to get a new passport but the woman says, "why should I give you a new American passport when you don't want to be an American anymore?" Am I the only one who never understood why she didn't just apply for dual citizenship?