Nov 15, 2007 21:59
My Women Writers teacher said something similiar today in class. It made everyone laugh.
This semester has kicked my ass. I'm so glad it's almost over. Three more weeks and I am six more months closer to graduation. Six months, because even though I can walk in May, I'll have to take one class over the summer. But as long as I'm in grad school by August 2008, I don't care. Hopefully, somewhere far, far away from here.
I went to Leesburg, VA/Washington DC this past weekend, and it was honestly the most peace I've had this entire year, except maybe the week I spent in New York in March. We went up there for Domonique's birthday, and it was so much fun. We stayed with her cousins and they are two of the coolest guys I have ever met; I forgot how much I've missed mixed company. It was just a really relaxing weekend.
Then I came home. I got into a huge fight with Dennis, had tons of homework to do, was not able to register on time because my advisor nor the head of advising would remove my block (that was mostly just a misunderstanding, though), and found out that I might not graduate on time because my degree evaluation information is off. I've talked with the new head of advising, though, and I'm hoping she can fix that. More than anything, I realized how being in this area just stresses me out. I associate it with stress and irritation, and it's almost like a self-fulfilling prophecy because that's what I get every time I come back. I'm really just anxious to get away.
I've watched maybe two and a half episodes this season, and they have been really good. I've started rewatching the seasons, and I forgot how much I love this show. Allison Mack does seem to be phoning it in slightly this season (and I don't know what's going on with her hair) but strangely enough, I don't really care. She's actually not my favorite thing about the show anymore. Although in tonight's episode, "Blue", I did have a problem with Clark being all, "No, Mommy, don't go. We can finally be together." I just felt it was disrespectful to Martha.
I watched the Legally Blonde Musical on MTV this week, and I want to see so bad. Domonique and I are planning to go to Boston - because we both want to go to grad school there - for Spring Break, and we can't decide if we should see LB or Wicked. I think I'm secretly a musical theater geek.