Jul 24, 2007 15:39

It took me longer than I expected to finish the book.  Domonique stayed over Saturday and I had to work; then on Sunday she, my family, and I went to Busch Gardens, so I only had a few hours on each of those days to read.  But I have finished it and

Type your cut contents here.
I’m actually really horrible when I separate things into categories because I forget things that I mean to mention, but I’m hoping that won’t happen this time.

The categories are: Characters, Relationships (both romantic and platonic), Plot, Grievances, and The Film (which I know is three years away, but I couldn’t help it).


Harry:  How much do I love him?  I can’t even count the ways.  Over and over again, my supreme love of him was just reinforced in this book.  He was amazing.  I know that a lot of people think of Ron as the human core of the book, but I really think that this book just proved that he and Harry are opposite sides of the same coin.  Whereas Ron would run, Harry has to stay.  He can’t turn his back for even a second, no matter how much he wants to.  There has never been a character I have empathized with more than Harry Potter.  From his blind (and tested) faith in Dumbledore to his decision to give himself up to save everyone else, he is really an ultimate hero and I think that was fantastically proven in this book.  And he didn’t die!  Which is, of course, the best thing ever.  Of course, he did walk into certain situations just begging for trouble, but he wouldn’t be Harry if he didn’t.  I think that’s the best about the series, really.  Harry has always remained the same, even with the emotional outbursts and reckless behavior.  And the way he stood up for McGonagall after Carrow spit in her face… I’m so glad he did.

Ron: Because he has to be next, the Helo to Harry’s Chief.  Ron, Ron, Ron, Ron, Ron.  He’s just like Harry in the end.  Willing and able to do what’s best for everyone, but unlike Harry, he has more to lose than just his life. I loved him as well, but not as much as Harry.  And I was so disappointed that even after the Horcrux was removed, he still left.  I could understand it, but it still hurt.  Nevertheless, I was really happy that he was shown as just as much of a capable wizard and thinker as Harry and Hermione.  He gets sidelined sometimes, Ron, and I think that has a lot to do with him as a character, and in a way is a good thing because it shaped who he is.  And he came back!  He came back and he rescued Harry, and destroyed a Horcrux, and we got to see what his worst fear was.  All in all, I was really happy with what happened with his character as well.

Hermione: She was back!  She was back from wherever she had gone in sixth year.  She was logical and prepared and yet still able to be emotional and somewhat girly.  She was balanced and I really liked that.  The sacrifices she made - her parents in particular - for Harry just emphasize to me how extraordinary of a character she is.

The Weasleys: Percy came back.  I knew he would either do that or become an Imperio’d Death Eater.  It was nice, and he was joking and they were one big happy Weasley family for a while.  George lost an ear, which I had so much trouble picturing, but I think that’s mostly because it didn’t really matter.  He was still George, just one ear down.  Ginny was the Ginny that I kind of liked.  The Ginny from books four and five.  She was capable and headstrong and smart and I didn’t hate her.  I didn’t like her fully because I still have problems with the way that character was formed and how flat she is, but I like what was done with her.  Even the birthday kiss didn’t bug me quite as much.  I did take issue with her being so rude about Cho taking Harry to the Ravenclaw common room, though.  Honestly, how ridiculous was that?

I cannot in my wildest dreams ever imagine Molly Weasley yelling, “not my daughter, you bitch.”  It just does not happen.  I half expected her to die, to be honest.

Gryffindors + Luna: Cause she’s practically one, anyway. Besides Harry, I don’t think there’s a character I have ever instantly loved as much as I love Luna Lovegood. She is the most fantastic thing.  Who else could be completely calm while untying her friends with a dirty nail?  Who else would volunteer to create a diversion for Harry to get some relief?  Who else has that much loyalty instilled in them?

As for the Gryffindors... Dean!  Dean and Seamus! (reunited and it feels so good…) Neville, whose journey through this series I am almost as excited about as I am about Harry’s.  Did anyone, when reading the first book, think Neville would be the one to lead the Gryffindors against Death Eaters?  I think Neville more that anything is what has me so excited for the film.

Death Eaters + Voldemort: Not too much to say on this front, although V had way too many speeches for me.  He just would not shut up.  And did they ever explain where he learned to fly?  I don’t know how much I bought Lucius being so worried for Draco, but I loved Draco.   And Bella was insane, which is how I like her.  She was one of the few bright spots in the OotP film, for me.

The Good Guys (Teachers, etc): McGonagall is a badass!  I loved the way she stood up to Snape because I’ve been wanting her to for so long.  And Flitwick and Sprout!  And Hagrid, still defending murderous animals.  And Grawp fighting bigger giants, and all the students and ghosts and Peeves!  It was great.  It was truly great the way all the names we’ve been so familiar with for so long managed to be a part of it all.  Special mention for Kreacher and the Dursleys - who I know still might not be technically good guys, but - really surprised me. I thought they’d be bad until the end.  Kreacher especially.

The Deceased:  Top five saddest deaths in Harry Potter history:  5) Dobby.  Because he believed in Harry so much that he was willing to do anything for him.  4) Fred.  He was my favorite and I don’t think anything’s ever been done to really distinguish him from George, but it actually hurt when he died. I cried a little.  I can’t believe he’s dead.  3) Cedric.  Because never has a character been so crafted to be so well-liked just be murdered.  I was planning out his friendship with Harry in the fifth book and then he was gone with the turn of a page.  2) Severus.  I’ve started calling him Severus instead of Snape and it’s weird.  I don’t even know why.  I never truly disliked Severus, I just thought he was horribly unfair to Harry.  And now, finding out he and Lily were best friends since they were around ten and that he was willing to do anything for her… And the way he died.  And the reason.  I felt bad for him and it affected me more than I thought it would.  1) is of course Sirius.  If only for the pain Harry felt when he lost him.

As for the others, I had no real reaction to the deaths of Hedwig or Moody.  We didn’t get to experience the deaths of Tonks or Lupin, although I was sadder about Tonks.  Lupin was never a character I really liked. I didn’t dislike him, but he was not a favorite.


The Trio: Because the three of them really are the most important relationship in these books for me.  I finally realized that that’s why I didn’t like HBP, because the three of them spent way too much time separated.  Even just two of them is better than each on his/her own.  I loved the way they worked together, the way no matter what, they had to find their way back to each other.  I noticed, too, more this time than any other, the way they act with one another.  The way Ron or Hermione can praise each other, but it’s not until Harry agrees or shows approval that the other feels vindicated or “beam[s]” as Hermione did in this one.

Harry/Ron: “How come you’re here?” … “Well, I’ve - you know - I’ve come back.  If - You know. You still want me.” (Chapter 19)  Do I really need to say anything else?  I swear JKR is a closet H/R shipper.

Harry/Hermione:  There was a very strong sense of friendship through this book, and I do think there was the hint of something more.  Being completely objective for a moment, I think not only the fact that she decided to stay with Harry, that she sent her parents to Australia, probably because she thought she wasn’t coming home again, and the ever present touching just solidifies in my mind that no matter what JKR’s intentions, there is something between Harry and Hermione that goes beyond friendship. Yeah, he “loves her like a sister”  but even that to me seemed more of a “I never thought of her in that way before” vibe than a “how could think I would think of her in that way?”  Also: “…as she did so, she brushed the top of his head lightly with her hand.  He closed his eyes at her touch…” (Chapter 18)  Um… I wasn’t even thinking H/Hr thoughts until I read that.  It is such a powerful image.

Hermione/Ron:  I didn’t hate it.  In fact, I kind of liked it, and it had me regretting that they hadn’t been written like that all along.  I could ship them if they had been.  Okay, maybe more of a Trio shipper than anything else, but I still could have.  The kiss wasn’t  annoying and out of place like Harry and Ginny’s but I think a large part of that is Harry’s reaction.  “OI! There’s a war going on!” (Chapter 31)

Others: Seamus/Dean - possibly my second favorite slash ship.  Seamus’s excitement over seeing Dean alive was awesome.  Harry/Luna - there’s still that connection there between the two of them.  I like that a lot.  Harry/Ginny - It didn’t bug me as much as I thought it would, but I still don’t see why this girl is so amazing that she’s the one.  I hate that we never learn that.  Severus/Lily - I could ship now, I swear.  And we finally got to see a bit of why Lily was so amazing.

I have to go to class so the rest will have to be put up tomorrow.

review part one, harry potter, deathly hallows

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