Went out with people todayyyy.
Viva brother! We stopped at the new Starbucks that's a few blocks away from my house. That's the Safeway where I work at behind him. : ) He's pretty much a great friend of mine. Am I a nerd? He has brown hair/brown eyes. We don't look alike at all.
My eyes look weird. : /
We went to Wal-Mart with Lynn (girlie from work whom I adore). I thought the above was pretty cute, lol.
THEY DID NOT HAVE MORE THAN 1 UMBRELLA (Lynn wanted one) NOR HEATERS (for me)? I don't understand that. There were a lot of fans, but no room heater? Fail. When Wal-mart cannot deliver, I am enraged. I did buy lotsa cheap eyeshadow!
We saw Stop-Loss which was really good. Lotsa bestfriend man touches, bwaha. It was also creepy to note how many soldiers got "stop-lossed" and sent back. BAD USA GOVERNMENT.
These next piccies were taken after:
Lynn, who sadly smokes but looks good while she's doing it! I will miss her when I move stores. She's so awesomely fun. I can talk to her the entire shift while I'm working about so many different things.
I love this homosapien. Srsly. I had not known how much I trully missed the above individual until we hung out and realized: OMGSOMUCHFUN. ILU! <3
I'm actually being social which is fun and refreshing. I feel like the last years of my life have been wasted in some areas.
So, I'm nearing the point where I'm almost glad I'm out of my last relationship. Well, I am but it still hurts/pisses me off at times (mostly angry that it had to last so long haha). Am I cynical to think that blaring, "Hey, I'm 20 and getting a divorce, bitches!" is funny? I don't know, lol. I'm weird, but I feel different and free. I can do what I want, like who I want, poke holes in my face, make my own plans, go out when I want. It's liberating.
Having commitment comes with a price. However, I think if I were to be in a relationship with someone more like me it would go over well. 'Causecause, I love being in love still! Har.
New band: Silversun Pickups. Much <3 too. They want to be my new mellow/indie Smashing Pumpkins. Hm.
Going to go to to my oldold Gay/Lesbian/Bi/Trans/Other label here group tomorrow @ 3:30? Eastyn goes there and the same lady (Betty!) that used to run it a few years ago is still doing it. :3 I am psyched. BRING ON THE GAY.