May 12, 2008 02:20
I'm happy about a lot of things, some that I don't want to share even. Usually I'm quite open (blahblah big mouth), but sometimes just knowing it yourself (and only yourself) is special. I plan on stating when I'm happy like it's news, because it is sort of "new" for the emotion to be consistent/stick around due to past emodramaevents. And I think it's good to say simple things like that once in a while. I AM HAPPY.
I've gotten like verrrrry little sleep these last few nights, but couldn't be bothered to remedy that. I apparently can survive off of 4-5 hours, work then have an Americano when I'm done be ok to go till 2am again. VITALITY, BABY!?
Made some new Lj icons, gave myself a real "profile" here on lj lol and changed my journal colors. Oh, boy! Uber productive. & Finished writing a shorty fanfic too. Mahah.
My lip is really annoying/swollen these last 2 days. ;o; I want to be angry--I like it so much, WHY should it cause me this much discomfort. *pout* I don't mind if it was sore, but the sensation that the piercing is tight (due to swelling) is driving me batty. D:<
I used to be hasty and impulsive in my past. For the first time in a long while (if ever), I'm enjoying just waking up and going through my day, being patient and all etc. Not that I don't wish, at times, that things would go faster/be different.