Name: Yin
Age: 26
【 ABOUT YOU... 】
Please describe your personality: I try to see the good in everyone and live by the policy of "forgive and forget," I hardly ever get jealous of other people, I’m understanding, and I try to avoid conflict if at all possible. I’m incredibly shy and withdrawn around other people, and I don’t really have a lot of confidence in my own abilities. I tend to worry about things that I have no control over, and I can be a bit immature and childish at times. I’d probably much rather run away from problems than simply deal with them head-on, and I can be really naïve (my family and friends will often tell me that I don’t act with common sense). I tend to probably be way more polite than is necessary in most social situations too, for some reason.
Some of your likes: Anime, manga, fantasy novels (or just good stories in general), video games (especially RPGs), daydreaming, cute things, and kind people.
and some of your dislikes: Character/couple bashing (even if I disagree with someone's point of view, I like remaining open minded and respectful of their opinions), unnecessary fights, and people who are intentionally cruel to others. Also, the word "constructive" is a strange pet peeve of mine.
Five negative traits of yours:
1. Shy -- I'm extremely withdrawn and introverted, and prefer to spend time by myself or only with those I really like. I generally come across as being very quiet and nervous when interacting with others. My self-confidence is pretty low overall.
2. Anxious -- I worry. A lot. Even over things that I have no real control over (such as how a person might perceive something I said). I can get myself pretty stressed sometimes doing that.
3. Physically Weak -- I'm not very strong and can't really lift or push heavy things with the same kind of ease others might be able to. I tend to get winded pretty easily too.
4. Naïve -- I've been told countless times that I don't act with a lot of common sense, and I can be far too trusting at times. I tend to act very childish during arguments or when it comes to how I view things in general (and I've been called a "brat" quite a lot because of that). Overall, I'm probably just not as knowledgeable as I need to be when it comes to reading the actions/true intentions of others or seeing how the world works.
5. Lazy -- Unless I'm motivated to do something, I tend to put everything off until the last minute. Procrastination is a really bad habit of mine.
Five positive traits of yours:
1. Caring -- I look out for those around me and worry about their wellbeing a lot...and I try to be encouraging and/or supportive of what they want to do.
2. Observant -- I tend to notice a lot of little things that are going on around me. I have pretty sensitive hearing, and if I'm focused on something I try to examine all of the details I can about it.
3. Creative -- I try to come up with all sorts of solutions to problems, and I have a huge imagination. Sometimes this can be a bit of a bad thing though, since it means I often tend to daydream and/or let my thoughts wander. :)
4. Playful -- While I do have my serious moments and I know when I need to be more somber in given situations, I generally try to be rather cheerful and optimistic whenever I can be. I love to read and watch things because they provide me with entertainment, and playing video games is one of my favorite past-times for that very reason. It takes me a while to open up to people, but once I do I think this part of my personality shows a bit more with how I interact with those close to me. I want to smile and laugh whenever I can, because I think that gives me the courage to get through the times when things are bad or I'm feeling really down.
5. Understanding -- I like to see things from as many different perspectives as I can, and I tend to be pretty open-minded because of that. I try and be respectful of others' opinions (even if I disagree with them, I will not try and argue that point overly much...especially to a degree where it could be construed as ridicule or being really rude).
What is the first impression that you give to others? ..I think that, when people first meet me, they probably view me as someone who needs to be protected somehow. As I stated before, I come across as someone very quiet and nervous when interacting with people I'm not overly-familiar with...and I've even been called "meek" and "timid" on more than one occasion. Once I become more comfortable around someone, I can open up a bit more (people are often surprised the first time I speak up or crack a joke with them).
give some adjectives people close to you use to describe you: "Kind, naive, shy, a worrywart, childlike, hyper, enthusiastic, creative, imaginative, and oddly persistent when it comes to things you want."
Is there any character you strongly oppose to being voted as (if there is,pick only ONE): Hmm...Sephiroth, perhaps?
【 THIS or THAT 】
Are you...(feel free to give a little explanation)
Optimistic or Pessimistic: I'd rather see the silver lining to things, so I guess I'm more of an optimist at heart.
Cautious or Impulsive: It can depend on the situation, but I think I tend to be more cautious since I'm always worrying about things anyway.
Calm or Hyper: Somewhere in-between for the most part, although I do have moments of either extreme hyperactivity or calmness.
Mature or Immature: It can sometimes really depend on the situation, but I guess overall I'd probably say that I act more immature at times...mainly because I can get very childlike in certain circumstances.
Safe or Brave: Hmm...this is a trickier one to answer, as what constitutes being "brave" can be left up to an individual's interpretation. For me though, I think I probably tend to play it safe more often than not simply due to my anxious/worry-wart tendencies.
Outgoing or shy/reserved: Very, very shy...I don't really dislike people or anything, I just have a really hard time getting the confidence I need to talk to others comfortably. It's something I need to work on, but it's a trait that's really hard to change. I'm able to be a bit more open around family and close friends though.
Hardworking or Laid-Back Laid-back for the most part...though if I'm really interested in something (or I'm on the clock at work) I can be rather hardworking.
Confident or Insecure/Doubtful: Insecure. I've never been someone who has a lot of confidence in herself (for examples: when I've finished a job I always think I've not done a satisfactory job or made a mistake somehow, and I'll even apologize to people simply for engaging them in conversations at times). I've been working hard at trying to improve my self-esteem...but, as with my shyness, it's a hard thing to combat. Oddly enough, while I tend to doubt myself and my capabilities quite a bit...I usually always seem to have confidence and trust in the abilities of others, and I tend to encourage people a lot when they're doubting themselves because of that.
Light-hearted or serious: I tend to approach things in a more light-hearted way in general, though I do know when I need to take things more seriously and I have no problem doing so.
What is your fighting style? Do you plan ahead? Defend and support your team? An offensive fighter or something else?: When it comes to video games...I tend to plan ahead when it comes to fighting though sometimes I have no issue with winging it, and I usually end up serving more of a support/defense role for a party (either casting attack spells, healing spells, or status-altering ones--while spamming items around as well). I imagine that if I was fighting someone, it would probably be from a long or medium range as opposed to being right up in their faces...and I'd have an element of speed in my favor as well. I wouldn't have as much of a "punch" as other fighters probably, but by being fast I'd be able to make up for that by getting more attacks in. Having long-range attacks would also perhaps help me to stay more out of the reach of a truly powerhouse fighter as well.
What motivates you to fight? Would it be for the sake of the world, for someone you care about, for a specific desire, for yourself?: Probably a combination of myself, someone I cared about, and the sake of the world. I would perhaps fight for myself from the standpoint that I possibly thought the battle was something that I needed to win in order to find out something important to me, overcome my fears, or grow as a person. I would definitely be motivated to fight if I thought that someone I cared about was being threatened somehow. And I would fight for the sake of the world simply because I do like the world for the most part...and both myself and the people I care about live on it.
Are you the type to taunt your opponent during a fight, or just get the job done without speaking much?: I would probably just try to get the job done without speaking much. I can't really picture myself taunting someone (it would seem really odd coming from me too, lolz!).
If you had to face a much stronger opponent, what would your thoughts be? Would you develop a strategy or rush into the battle and hope for the best?: Again, probably a combination of everything above. I would try and develop a strategy for winning if I had the time for it, but after pumping myself up for the fight mentally I'd probably just have to rush in without thinking too much at first in order to keep my nerves from getting to me...and I'd definitely be hoping for the best the whole time.
Do you enjoy conflict or do you seek to end battles as quickly as possible? I would seek to end battles as quickly as possible. I'm a relatively peaceful person and I don't really like fighting all that I wouldn't want to get in a prolonged battle if I could avoid it.
Are you the type to work for another, be the leader, or work solo?: I tend to like working by myself a lot of the time simply due to my more introverted personality...but I'm not against working with or for another (especially if I felt that the group "leader" was more experienced and capable than I was, and I didn't have an issue with their intended goal). There can be merits to solo work as well as teamwork since a well-functioning team could probably accomplish a lot more together than alone--it would just really depend on the team itself and the situation at hand.
You're in the middle of a very important battle, but your friend/partner is deeply wounded. You have a chance of winning if you continue fighting, but their wounds look pretty severe... Do you finish the battle or help your friend and flee/lose?: I would probably flee and help my friend. No battle is worth losing a friend over (it would definitely be a very hollow victory in that case). Besides, even if we didn't win the fight this time--at least now we have a better understanding of the enemy's attacks. Once my friend is treated I can either go back to fight again or, if my friend is completely healed due to some amazing spell or item, we can go together and finish what we started.
Someone just ordered you to take an important but risky mission where there is no guarantee you will succeed. You had been given a chance to decline, but there are great benefits if you do succeed. Would you accept or decline it? It would kind of depend on the benefits, I think. Sure, money and material things are nice...but if those were the only benefits I'd be getting...I'm not sure I'd want to risk it (especially if by failing the mission I'd probably lose my life or something). But if the benefits were things that could affect the world in a very positive way or have the side I was fighting on in a conflict gain the upper hand--I'd probably decide after some debate that I should give it a shot.
You're standing on the street when an old lady comes and asks you to help her. How do you react? Go along with it, ignore her, punch her in the face...?: I'd probably help her (so long as she wasn't asking me to bludgeon someone over the head for her or something). It never hurts to be nice to someone, after all.
You've obviously been chosen by one of the gods for a reason, but how do you feel about this? Are you honored? feel as if your freedom has been taken away? wish you could throw them off a cliff?: It would probably make me feel a little honored and, at the same, like my freedom was taken away a bit. Still, I'd probably try to focus more on the "honored" part and put my best foot forward in the situation. Though I would probably be wondering to myself if there wasn't someone better suited for this kind of thing than me, in all honesty (I might even joke that one of the gods must have a pretty good sense of humor)-...and I'd also be worrying inwardly about whether or not I was up for whatever tasks lay ahead.
Someone you don't recognize is in mortal danger. They could die if you don't help, but they might be on the opposite side of the conflict... what do you decide? I would help them. It just wouldn't sit right with me if I let someone die when I could feasibly do something to help them. While it's quite possible that they're an enemy...what if they ended up being an ally I hadn't met yet or just some innocent person who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time? Those are also options to be considered, along with the possible enemy one. Once I saved them and if they turned out to be fighting on the opposite side of the conflict--I'd probably just check to make sure they're still breathing or something since we technically hadn't been in a battle at this point and then hightail it out of there. I wouldn't like the idea of fighting someone when they were perhaps still recovering from a near-death predicament...and there will probably be later opportunities for us to fight one another later if they so chose.
Pick the ones that apply to you
[ ] Death
[ ] Destruction
[X] Family
[X] Friendship
[/] Fun (it's relatively important, but not necessarily "vital" all the time)
[X] Honour
[X] Hope
[ ] Knowledge
[ ] Power
[ ] Romance/Lust
[X] Love
Applications you've voted on:
➊ ➋ ➌ ~Breyzy is my twin sister, and we normally post our applications together in one joint post...but our responses were a bit too big this time around--so we decided to post separately. The application is really amazing, by the way (I love the detailed questions and the length)! Thank you for voting. ♥ :D