
Jul 06, 2010 03:46

Who: Kain Highwind and OPEN
When: Right now, more or less
Where: World of Darkness [Neutral Territory]
What: The dragoon is more agitated than usual. He needs to take it out somehow...
Type: Action and Log are both good!
Notes/Warnings: Both Chaos and Cosmos people are welcome. Anything goes! I'd especially looove to get some fighting/rivalry/ ( Read more... )

kain highwind [final fantasy iv], xion [kingdom hearts], hildegard von krone [soul calibur]

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oblitus_clavis July 6 2010, 21:20:35 UTC
So far this world's redeeming feature was that it had an endless territory to explore. Xion herself was a bit on edge because as far as she could tell, her dark doors were still not opening and from what Namine had explained it wasn't about to work for anybody. How were the others supposed to find her here? She herself had arrived at random.

She was so deep in thought that she probably would have ignored Kain and overlooked him completely if she weren't able to pick up other people's presences pretty readily. She froze almost in mid step. On one hand, she couldn't tell who would be like Kefka and attack with no provocation. On another...

"I've never seen armor like that."


bound_skyward July 7 2010, 02:38:11 UTC
Frowning when he realized he wasn't alone, Kain turned at once to try and see who was there. He raised his spear and took a defensive posture at first. He'd determined it was best to be cautious, no matter what other people seemed like. At the moment, he certainly didn't know what this girl might be capable of...

"It's the armor of a dragoon," he replied, still getting used to the idea that people on other worlds didn't have such things as dragoons.


oblitus_clavis July 7 2010, 15:21:35 UTC
Actually she was surprised that he would be worried about her attacking - he looked more battle ready than she did. But she was ready to summon her keyblade in an instant if things went bad.

"A dragoon?" her curious tone insinuated that she had in fact, never heard of them. "Is that like a knight...or some kind of hero?"

The Coliseum in that other world was supposed to be a place where heroes competed, though she'd only ever seen one.


bound_skyward July 8 2010, 05:01:49 UTC
Kain was used to fighting mages and other such individuals, so he knew better than to underestimate anyone... Still... when she didn't attack, he managed to calm himself somewhat.

"I'm no hero." Despite his part in assisting to defeat Zeromus, he would never consider himself to be one. He didn't deserve it. "But I am a type of knight... we use a specialized technique to jump into the sky and strike our enemies from above."


oblitus_clavis July 8 2010, 05:57:13 UTC
She was tempted to summon her keyblade and brag a little herself, but it would probably be better to figure out if she could trust Kain first. She was already violating protocol by letting so many people see her. But it couldn't be helped. She tried to piece together something to say. It wasn't easy when you spent most of your time being inconspicuous to strike up conversations.

"I....well, I didn't really know there was a difference." she admitted. "I'm not one either. And I don't know why anyone would want me in their war. It has nothing to do me or the....my friends."

Unless they wanted to keyblade. Well, they weren't going to get it. In the first place, a keyblade had to choose someone. And second, she'd never surrender it.


bound_skyward July 8 2010, 06:37:14 UTC
There was certainly a difference... but now probably wasn't the time to go into a long explanation. He frowned a little.

"I don't know why any of us were chosen, either... but it seems we might have no choice but to see this through to the end." If it really did come to that, Kain would certainly do all he could to see that it ended as soon as possible.


oblitus_clavis July 9 2010, 17:32:14 UTC
"I don't want to hurt people just so I can go home." she said, before she could even think through what was being said.

Her brow wrinkled. It was the truth though, wasn't it? That was how she felt about the fighting. But Nobodys were not supposed to feel anything. There were people like Kefka whom she had no problem fighting. But what if there were people like Namine on Cosmos's side?

"I don't suppose we could just fight the gods themselves?" she suggested, with a bit of a joking smile.


bound_skyward July 10 2010, 06:33:03 UTC
While Kain was a little less doubtful about fighting his way home, he could see her point. People like Cecil and Rosa would surely end up on Cosmos' side if they were ever brought here. They were too pure of heart not to. So what was wrong with him? Would he be doomed to fight innocents like that, all for the sake of gaining freedom?

There'd be no point in trying to redeem himself if he had to murder recklessly to even get back there. He was hopelessly stuck.

"That's not a bad idea," he replied, a little more seriously. "They're the reason we're here at all. Making us fight their battle for them..."


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