(no subject)

Dec 09, 2010 02:14

Who: Terra, Open
When: Shortly after her crystal message
Where: The Planet's Core
What: Moping and moogle cuddles
Type: Log, but it can open up to either. (I just like starting in log format, but it doesn't have to stay that way.)
Notes/Warnings: No limit on threads, but let's keep it one on one. Anything else...TBA?

Terra was taking a break. At least, that's what she told herself. She had fought mannequin after mannequin in an attempt to 'train'...or in truth, seek a distraction. It was good while it lasted, but fatigue set in after a while and she knew better than to push herself too far.

However, she wasn't quite ready to head back to the sanctuary, just yet. Terra knew that when she did, there would be little to do but let question after question accumulate...with no one around who could answer them. Instead of giving into that fate, Terra stalled by hopping over to the one of the highest floating rocks in the area and taking a seat. That way, she could spot any incoming mannequins or foes.

She stared over at the tendrils of energy soaring upward with a sigh, then summoned her moogle. There was no battle to fight, not at the moment, but having him nearby always brought some comfort. As her friend settled on her lap, she slid her arms around him and held him close, wondering about the fates of her absent friends.

kain highwind [final fantasy iv], paine [final fantasy x-2], terra branford [final fantasy vi]

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