[001] The spirit is over town//Waiting for me to hit the floor

Jun 24, 2010 02:32

Who: Shuyin and Tidus
When: Starting a little bit after Shuyin mocks Cosmos' warriors
Where: World of Darkness
What: BRB FAITO, since Shuyin's an ass and pissed off Tidus. 8Db
Type: Action post
Notes/Warnings: Huzzah for the first actual fighting thread in the game? XD Not much to note besides violence and just. Shuyin being himself lmao.

Tonight fate is the red crown//The red crown around your door )

tidus [final fantasy x], shuyin [final fantasy x-2]

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SINCE WHEN WAS THIS NEW NEWS, REALLY. 8| insidiafalsa June 24 2010, 17:04:31 UTC
[Prepared or not- by looks alone, he'd be shocked. That shock would turn into downright horror and anger once he found out how Shuyin fights. It didn't matter to the spirit, however- in fact, it was the perfect opportunity for him to strike, when the enemy was unguarded.

Tidus may have had honor and waited for those who need to get up, or let them stand before continuing their fighting. But Shuyin wasn't Tidus, so his methods were much more dirty and backstabbing. Go in for the final blow, and never pause in your actions. Do so, and the enemy will kill you. It was one he himself had learned all too well, just after his death in Spira. And it was one he promised would never happen again.

Though he himself didn't recognize the terrain, it mattered little to him. He'd been through war before- battles were fought, won, and lost in places he'd never even seen in his whole life. This was nothing new.

He closed his eyes, searching his own power for a moment, letting the whispers of the tainted Fayth come to his ears, singing a twisted version of their Hymn. So, they had come as well. Wonderful. Should the boy prove to be difficult, he could always rely on the Fayth to make things much more lively.

He waited in the World of Darkness, eyes alert and ready for the boy to come at any second. There was nothing said, just silence, in the hopes of possibly studying the enemy before he reached him. But even he himself knew, it wouldn't be long before their own two blades clashed.

If anything, he was looking forward to it.]


I KNOW IT ISN'T BUT COME ON waterblade June 25 2010, 05:54:57 UTC
[He hadn't stopped running, moving through the areas entirely on autopilot and just looking for anyone. At last, he crossed into the World of Darkness, starting to weave between the pillars even as he ran. If anyone was there, they'd be really obvious in this place, but since things were going weird this time...]

[And frustration and anger and annoyance all came together to lead Tidus to give himself away really easily.]

HEY! Come out and fight, you coward!


NEVER. :> insidiafalsa June 25 2010, 06:19:28 UTC
[The sound of the boy's voice drew his attention towards the pillars, hand edging towards the comfort of the sword's hilt in hand, the hum of the blade pulled from the sheathe attuned to his ears.

Just a little bit closer...

He could see Tidus weaving in and out, eyes trained to strike at the right moment and not have a second to spare. Close... closer... even closer...


With remarkable agility he sprung forward, sword unsheathed, swinging towards the unsuspecting boy's head as he came by. There was no battle cry, no warning- just a split second's change in the wind before he made his move.

All the while, his voice was barely above that of a loud whisper.]

Coward? Is that the best you can come up with? You disappoint me, boy.


WHAT WHY NEVER :O waterblade June 26 2010, 02:42:39 UTC
[The one thing - the only thing - that saved Tidus was the fact that he was, at this point, used to living in a constant battlefield. Just that small change on the air meant he threw himself forward really quickly, springing off his hands and jumping onto one of the pillars that rose all over the floor here. Three quick seconds and he was high up his chosen one, hanging on for dear life and staring down at his attacker in pure and total shock. Shuyin might find it interesting that he apparently has no weapon on him.]

What- You-

[Jawdrop. Just total and complete jawdrop.]


BECAUSE I'M MEAN >:3 insidiafalsa June 26 2010, 06:19:08 UTC
[Good, he was surprised. It's only a second or so before Shuyin actually follows him up the pillar, saying nothing, sword in hand and aiming to swing again. If there was anything these two matched in, besides moves and looks, it was agility. The boy would learn quickly that this spirit doesn't wait for people- he fights dirty and with whatever he can use. And he takes note of the missing sword, but knows it's probably somewhere near- the boy was looking for a fight, and he'd be a complete idiot if he charged into battle without a weapon.]

Hnn. Don't disappoint me.

[Yup, there goes the sword, fast as anything. Keep moving, or you'll soon have an empty spot where your head used to be, Tidus.]


WAAAAAAAAAH waterblade June 26 2010, 07:25:37 UTC
[Oh he kept moving all right, immediately pushing off and leaping to another pillar, then rebounding off that one to go right back for Shuyin. Tidus had honor! But apparently this bastard didn't. And in the half-second it took him to cover that distance again, Brotherhood flashed into his hand and he was swinging just as viciously back at his... clone.]

Who are you?! WHY DO YOU LOOK LIKE ME?!

[At least he was a strong attacker, and fast - Shuyin wouldn't be disappointed in his abilities.]


ILU BB, RLY. insidiafalsa June 26 2010, 07:37:20 UTC
[The second he rebounded, Shuyin was chasing right back after him, eyes focused and a maddening grin on his face. The blades connected, sparks shooting across as the two clashed and met right in the middle of the field, in mid-air. The force behind the both of them was evenly matched, and the spirit couldn't help but chuckle at Tidus' frustration.]

Isn't it ironic for you to be asking that, boy? I've already told you who I am.

[And suddenly, his foot lifts and tries to push again Tidus' chest, using it as a stepping stone and also a means of shoving him into the ground. He wasn't disappointed at all, and by the gleam in his eyes, he was sure this would be entertaining.]


WELL OKAY /BROFIST waterblade June 26 2010, 09:37:46 UTC
You've told me nothing!

[Tidus went plunging towards the ground at the boot to his chest, the breath knocked out of him a little - okay no wonder the others said he hurt when he jumped on them - but he caught himself enough to right himself and land on his feet, skidding back a few steps. Without any sort of wait, and completely sure that this was gonna be one of the fastest fights he'd ever gotten in, Tidus had materialized his blitzball and threw himself into the Jecht Shot, aiming his kick right at Shuyin. There was another pillar right next to him, so he didn't pause after the ball was fired, sprinting for it and sprinting up it as fast as he could.]



/BROFIST FOREVER insidiafalsa June 26 2010, 20:34:06 UTC
[Well, the Blitzball was definitely something new, but not something he couldn't avoid. He twisted his torso in mid-air, changing the direction he was falling, the ball squeaking by his face as he did so, leaving the feeling of intense heat flying by his forehead.

The kid's still got a good aim, and it's impressive for a Blitzball player, but he passed that thought almost instantly, mind back on the present. Still heavily falling, he righted himself before hitting the floor, skidding backwards on the ground from his incoming momentum. There was no pause in his actions, the next possible second, he was running up a similar pillar, parallel to the one Tidus was on. His eyes never left where the boy was on the battlefield.]

And what of it? A name means nothing in the end when it comes to a war. Tell me, what do you remember of Spira?


/UNLIKE THESE TWO DORKS waterblade June 27 2010, 05:36:48 UTC
What do I what? [He had no answer for that because he had nothing; the cycle of war had taken it all from him, even though he didn't know it.] You're crazy, man!

[Throwing himself off that pillar, Tidus jumped and spun in midair, kicking off the next pillar to throw himself right at Shuyin - ready to slice 'n' dice him and swinging heavily with Brotherhood.] Stop trying to freak me out!


[That catches him by surprise. He would've thought the boy would at least remember the name of the place the Fayth had dragged him to. It gives him a slight pause, one that he catches himself doing at the wrong time, and by then Tidus was nearly upon him. His sword was out, but the blocking he tried to do to parry made little difference. It did block some, but definitely not enough.

Most of the hits got through, sending him backwards mid-air, of which he hastily re-righted himself. Without even hesitating, he swung his sword again, sending the black energy rays of a Force Rain right back at the boy. With that done he hit the ground again, trailing backwards and halting once he dug his foot in, and then taking off again, charging right back at Tidus. Shuyin was coming for him, whether he was ready or not.]


Whoa! [THAT WAS HIS ATTACK. HIS OWN ATTACK. What the hell was going on here? Tidus didn't even pause before throwing himself backwards again, barely avoiding the energy bolts, twisting himself around and around and landing at last in a roll that sent him bolting to his feet again and sprinting as fast as he possibly could. Talk time was over, definitely.]

All right, you bastard, come and get it! [Swinging himself around a pillar, Tidus charged right in for Shuyin as Shuyin charged for him - only to dodge at the last minute, taking an abrupt left so Shuyin couldn't just swing his sword into him, slashing viciously at his neck as he tried to get in back of his opponent.]


/NO, THAT'S JUST *THEIR* VERSION. HATEFUL BROFISTING. 8Db insidiafalsa June 30 2010, 05:57:46 UTC
[Seconds before the sword could make contact with his neck, Shuyin had leaped up and away, twisting himself so that as he landed, he was facing Tidus' back, which was completely open. His feet barely touched the ground before taking off, sword raised and moving just as quickly as he was- one, two, three, four, five, six. Hit & Run. The blade sung as it cut through the air, hoping to connect with him, and pay back the damaged received by twofold.]

With pleasure.


[The first, second, and third he managed to evade - not so the fourth, fifth, and sixth.]

[Shuyin's blade caught him on the third, making him stumble and setting him up perfectly to be the recipient of the rest of the attacks - and god they were brutal. Seriously, if he hit like that, he could see why fighting him would be a pain in the ass. Once the flurry of attacks stopped, Tidus just dropped to the floor and rolled. It wasn't as fast as he had been before he'd been hit, though, and he couldn't just ignore that beating, breathing harder than he had been.]



[Brutal doesn't even begin to cover it. The man was a soldier of war before his death, and he's had over a thousand years to shape him into the insane shadow he is now. Anything he hits with is a fragment of hatred he has for all humanity.

But instead of charging right after him like he usually does, he pauses. Waits. Sees the struggle and the panting from being hit. And while he himself is injured as well, it's not as bad as what he just dealt. Tidus can take a lot of damage, just like him, but some hits no one could recover from that quickly, even himself.

With that observation over, his movement is quick, hand reaching out to grab a tuft of the boy's hair, and yank him backwards.

He wants him on his knees, in pain, and begging for mercy. That will be the only acceptable way for him to see his opponent.]

Do you really not remember anything, boy? I've no time to waste with a fool who doesn't know who he is.


/...doubt it XD waterblade July 7 2010, 08:56:10 UTC
[Tidus had been pushing himself to his feet when his hair was grabbed and his head was yanked - which wasn't a nice feeling. Tidus let out a strangled yell of pain that he tried, unsuccessfully, to bite back, staring with determination at Shuyin even with the pain.]

[He'd gotten up from worse than this before. He'd gotten up from one of Jecht's punches and gone on to beat his ass. There was no way he was going down to this bastard!]

I know... who I AM!

[And he surged up from the ground, planting one boot square in the middle of Shuyin's chest and kicking off to launch himself into the air, as hard as he could. Energy gathered around Brotherhood's blade and he slashed the air viciously, sending the strikes down to the ground, right at Shuyin's position.]


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