(no subject)

Sep 23, 2010 02:25

Who: Terra, Onion Knight (and Open to Cosmos people)
When: After the rescue, maybe a couple of days after?
Where: Back in Order's Sanctuary. Presumably someone's room, though not Terra's. (She wasn't awake to grant access to it.), Shadow's room
What: Awakening
Type: Action
Notes/Warnings: I'd like Terra and the kid to have their own separate thread, because they obviously need it. But since other people are bound to be worried about Terra, they are welcome to arrive in separate threads. No limit on the number of threads themselves, I'd just prefer one-on-one.

[For many hours, Terra doesn't stir. The toll of captivity, Kefka's magic and the subsequent battle were too much for her, and she needs time to recover. She is, for all intents and purposes, dead to the world. The young woman remains pale and inert, the only movement from her being the rise and fall of her chest as she breathes. At least she's spared nightmares for now, though; her rest is blank and dreamless.

Eventually, there's a faint noise from Terra as she surfaces to consciousness. Well, some form of consciousness. Slowly, sensations filter back into her; the soreness of her muscles, the softness of the bed on which she was laying, the feeling on her own heartbeat. And...there's something else. A nagging feeling that all is or was not well. A soft whimper escapes, as some part of Terra subconsciously remembers. But she can't run from it forever, however much she might want that.

Slowly, she opens her eyes.]

rosa farrell [final fantasy iv], tidus [final fantasy x], terra branford [final fantasy vi], onion knight [final fantasy iii], shadow the hedgehog [sonic the hedgehog], cecil harvey [final fantasy iv]

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