After an enlightening conversation with one of my bffs, Dusty, I've made a resolution to write for at least an hour a day. We'll see if I can actually stick to that goal or not. But if I do, I should get a lot of fic writing done and I should be able to write a lot of the essays that I want to write for fun (because I'm an uber nerd like that).
The current projects I have mulling around in my head include an angsty fic (naturally) about Naomily's kiss in middle school and two essays: one on the merits of fandom in the gay community and the other about what it means to be keyed into the online world - i.e. there's a difference between using the internet to maintain connections with irl friends and using the internet to forge a community with complete strangers. I think it's obvious where my loyalties lie on that last one.
If I'm lucky enough to get into the screenwriting class I'm dying to get into next term, I'll also use the time to work on whatever film or tv script idea I come up with.
Maybe soon I will have some one shots to share with you all. I'm containing the epic fics to the one I'm already working on with
lazarus_girl . It's gonna take long enough to write as it is.