Oh, what a wonderful weekend.
First of all, it's fall break so that means it's a four day weekend and thus wonderful by default. But even if that weren't the case, it'd still be fantastical.
How can it not be amazing when I got to see HANSON Thursday night?!?!!! In case anyone was ill informed, I'm a huge Hanson fan. Not to the point where I camp out at the venue three days early like some girls did, but I love those boys to pieces. Their music just makes me so happy. Underneath marked a real turning point for them musically and each LP and EP that they've put out since then has just been ridiculously phenomenal. I have a tremendous amount of respect for them as musicians. I greatly appreciate the amount of musical talent it takes to sing any part of a three part harmony and to be able to play any instrument on stage at any given time. Speaking of which, Taylor played piano, guitar, harmonica, and drums during the show and Zac played drums, the cajon, and piano. ♥
The setlist was really great, too. The only thing that I was bummed about was that they didn't play Got a Hold On Me which is one of my favorite songs of all time, not just my favorite Hanson song.
Watch the awesomeness
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The setlist went as follows:
World's On Fire
Great Divide
Runaway Run
Where's The Love?
If Only
Running Man
Been There Before
Something Going Round
Carry You There
Penny & Me
A Song to Sing
Use Me Up
These Walls
Watch Over Me
Waiting For This
Crazy Beautiful
Thinking of You
A Minute Without You
Rock n Roll Razorblade
Encore: Don't Stop Believing
I still can't quite get over how amazing the show was. When they started playing MmmBop, I thought the entire venue was gonna come crashing down. It was so loud the building was actually shaking. Plus, my one wish for the show came true: they played Don't Stop Believing!
Aside from everything else I already mentioned, it's worth noting that Taylor looked ridiculously good. If I were straight, I would tap that in a heartbeat. UNF ♥
To make the show extra special (because it clearly wasn't already), it was Zac's birthday!!! Birthday boy was 24 and took a cake to the face like a champ. Actually, he dove into the cake head first because he knew what was coming. He got it so bad last year.
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Just in case I wasn't on enough of a high thanks to the Hanson show, then the X Factor had to air tonight. Not only was it big band week (aka my fav week of the show) but all of my favorites did really well. Olly knocked it out of the park to start the show, Miss Frank were fantastic, and little Joseph was so cute. And then there was Lucie. My god Lucie Jones, the things you do to me. Hours later and I might still be drooling. The amount of eyesex she was having with the camera was just ridiculous. Especially at the end. And then the second it was over, she switched from hardcore sexytimes to cute and adorable in the blink of an eye. I don't know how she does it.
Full Performance:
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