First off -I wish Justin would write back to me on myspace or reply to my email one of these times that he goes on, since he's probably writing to other people. (maybe i'm wrong...?)
But more importantly:
these are my options...
1. Go Active Duty.
take whatever branch i get, even if it's not Signal Corp or MI -the two i really want, and serve for 4 years, then go to Inactive reserve which basically means do nothing for the army and start the next phase of "Life - Teresa Style"
2. Go Reserve.
basically pick where i want to go by finding a unit that needs a Signal or MI officer (hoping i can find one somewhere i would like to be). oh, and serve 8 years total instead of those 4 "nothing" years i'd get from doing active. (p.s. i can also always apply to change to active). but at least i could go somewhere i choose AND (this is key) be guarenteed the branch i want and not get stuck with something like transpo.
which leads to the next part - finding units in these places:
A. Colorado there's that place that is AMAZING. what i wouldn't give to be able to put my theatre degree to use there. Everything i've ever dreamed of all rolled up in one really prestigious but cool sounding place where good things seem to happen. it's in Denver by the way. and i have a cousin in Denver who i haven't seen in years, he has since gotten married and he was always one of my favorite family members so to be able to see him would be cool.
B. Vermont
did you ever doubt that i wouldn't consider this? so i know i love the VT. it's beautiful and relaxing. but would it just be an easy way out for me to start? i have such big dreams for myself of going far and travelling and although i'm going to be doing that in the army anyways... but yea.
C. Maryland
it's pretty there too and it's right by D.C. so lots of job opportunities for Army and Sound
D. Wyoming
Call me crazy but i've been looking at what they've got to offer. it doesn't seem too bad.
and i really want to be somewhere in the middle of nowhere. somewhere that would be pretty but ideal for being outdoors and all that jazz.
E. - i really liked Fort Knox but that's Armor so I don't know if I could go there.
Those are basically the options i am sifting through as of yet. but i can't seem to make up my mind. i don't know where my life wants to lead me right now but there are so many options.
i guess i should consider myself lucky that i have options at all.
now off to think and stuff.