[The screen flickers on to reveal a small mantle clock standing on the table in front the camera. He seems very frantic and confused. ..Yes, as if dragons and aliens and lions were not enough, now you have a living clock!]
Oh dear...
I seem to be a little lost, I need to find two of the students here.. Could I please get some assistance?
[He doesn't
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[At this point, she's just intrigued. And calculating how much something like that would go for at an action. Ignore the smile.]
Hello... Cogsworth, you said?
I am Lieutenant Sinclair, a... fellow teacher.
What students are you looking for?
It's very nice to meet you, Ms. Sinclair! I appreciate the help greatly.
I'm looking for a young girl and a.. prince. Though he probably doesn't look like most of the other princes in attendance here...
[ffff he really doesn't want to speak badly of the Master and call him "Beast"]
There are several young women in attendance, and I've only met one prince so far.
Ah, well the Master isn't human, if that helps.. Fur and horns and such.. I would be shocked if you hadn't noticed him.
The girl has brown hair, she's intelligent but has a bad habit with poking around in places she shouldn't.
[Just NOW noticed the bandages]
Might I ask your name?
We're still gonna have tests in that class, though, right? Professor Scar only gives oral exams 'cause he doesn't have opposable thumbs, but you seem like you have hand-things.
Yes, we should still be able to take tests and exams in class. I can still work with papers, though may have some difficulty in other tasks like passing out papers or reaching a chalkboard..
But I'm sure I'll think of something!
Um, I'm Milo Thatch. [smiles] I'm the Geography, Latin, and Ancient History teacher. You're, uh, very well-made, by the way. Are you antique?
Well, it's nice to meet you, Mr. Thatch. [He seems interested by this gawky young man's wealth of knowledge!] You know a very impressive array of subjects, I must say!
[He considers this for a second] I'm not sure, actually! It could be that the style and make of clock that I am is considered antique, but I myself am not..
[He's only been a clock for about 10 years, but he's not going to mention that...]
[puffs out his chest a little!] I'm the local expert on cartography and linguistics! All of those other subjects came pretty naturally. You know how it is.
Hmm. You do seem to be modeled much like--oh! You must be French! [laughs to himself] Should've known that already, the design is a complete give away...
My, yes, you're correct! I'm honestly in shock by your thinking skills, young man!!
You certainly have an opportunistic future with a mind like that!
Cogsworth! Could it really be you? How did you manage to get here?
Ah, there you are, Belle! [He's clearly not used to simply calling her by first name, but after his run in with Beast he's not going to make that mistake again...]
I'm so glad to see another familiar face!!
Ohh, getting here was no small task, I can assure you... [He chuckles nervously] The world is more dangerous than I remembered!
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