[The screen flickers on to reveal a small mantle clock standing on the table in front the camera. He seems very frantic and confused. ..Yes, as if dragons and aliens and lions were not enough, now you have a living clock!]
Oh dear...
I seem to be a little lost, I need to find two of the students here.. Could I please get some assistance?
[He doesn't
Read more... )
[At this point, she's just intrigued. And calculating how much something like that would go for at an action. Ignore the smile.]
Hello... Cogsworth, you said?
I am Lieutenant Sinclair, a... fellow teacher.
What students are you looking for?
It's very nice to meet you, Ms. Sinclair! I appreciate the help greatly.
I'm looking for a young girl and a.. prince. Though he probably doesn't look like most of the other princes in attendance here...
[ffff he really doesn't want to speak badly of the Master and call him "Beast"]
There are several young women in attendance, and I've only met one prince so far.
Ah, well the Master isn't human, if that helps.. Fur and horns and such.. I would be shocked if you hadn't noticed him.
The girl has brown hair, she's intelligent but has a bad habit with poking around in places she shouldn't.
Last I saw, he was being tended to by the school physician.
...Ignore him. Please.
So you're the prince he's looking for.
Talking objects that are supposed to be inanimate, for one.
[He pales and decides now is a good time to probably shut up]
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