
Aug 28, 2011 23:45

Woah, it's been a while since I last posted. Lots of things happened too. I recently got my driver's license, really proud of myself considering how nervous I was despite going in with a positive mind. I also turned 20 on August 13th...wow I'm getting older, I can't wait til next year when I turn 21, I'm planning a possible trip to Orlando, FL :D. Let's see how everything goes. Tomorrow is the start of another school semester, I'm excited to see how my classes are going to be. Mondays are going to be long days for me since I have a piano class at night that ends at 10 PM but I think I'll be fine since it's only once a week. I'll try to post more especially since I have started doing more paintings and will want to post things I do in ceramics class if I can. I hope everyone is doing well and I shall leave you with a pic of the art I've made to put on the wall above my bed :D

I tried going with a theme. The first canvas on the left represents morning, middle canvas is part of a DIY project I found online, if interested in trying it out let me know and I shall give you a link :D, and the last canvas represents the night school. So basically I tried to do a "times of day" theme. The middle canvas was a painting of daytime that I made but I used to use it for the lyric project.hope you like it :)

Ps. I have a tumblr now, you can find me at margiepanda.tumblr.com if you'd like to add me. I'll post more art there ad well

Buenas noches everyone.

Pps: on a random note..,I wish Pottermore would send me my welcome letter :/. I had found the magic quill but I even had picked a username (FeatherRiver162) but I still haven't gotten the email...blurgh

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