hello!...i was supposed to post pictures from AX right as soon as it ended but I caught a cold as soon as it was over. I prolly caught it from all the nerd germs floating around lol...jk it was prolly my own nerd germs ( I bought so much doctor who art yea...). Anyways...I didn't take as many pics as last year because this year my friend and I volunteered there and got our 4-day pass money back for our services and it was a lot of fun. I met nice people during my time volunteering and will definitely do it again next year because really there are a couple of events in the 4-day schedule that i'd really want to do( unless i start watching more anime or something) so why not lend a helping hand and you'll have more fun because sometimes you get assigned to some cool events to work at. Also while on the job i saw some really nice cosplays and while being door monitor for a event a River Song cosplayer came up to me!. She looked so cool with her gun and tardis journal...she wanted to know what event was taking place in the room i was watching but when she left i told her that i loved her cosplay and she said thanks, she was nice
anyways...onward with the pictures! (Also you may need to click the pics to get a better look at them cause they're a bit big i guess lol)
I ran into a 11th Doctor cosplayer yay and I had seen him a couple of times until i finally got the chance to take a picture of him hehe
i love taking pics like this because you can see how many people go to these conventions
ok...now for the goodies i bought:
I had to have some Ten art and of course Eleven/Idris <333333. Both are from the same artist..her name is tehRyu on deviantart.
of course I could not resist Doctor Who pins...i fell in love when i saw these...i feel bad for not getting Martha and the Master..oh well hehe
i also bought these cute prints from the same artist (Blue-Fox on deviantart) who made the pins.
I also bought this while walking around the Artist Alley and had to have it..I'm going to have it framed one of these days
I also bought a harry potter one too...going to have it framed too :D