1.If you were driving to work and you hit a giraffe would you turn around to see if it was okay or would you just drive on?
i would definitely turn around because giraffes are better than people
2.If you could be covered head to toe in just one pizza topping what would it be? pepperoni mmm pizza
3.Do you have a "can do" attitude? eh, not really but it depends
4.If so, what "can" you "do"? stuff
5.Are you annoyed by my propensity for quotation marks? perhaps
6.How often exactly do you think about ninjas? good question. i can't say.
7.This is for parents: what do you dread more, the notion that you'll one day have to teach your children about all of the ills and evils of the world or that he/she will grow to become a most ardent Dungeons and Dragons fan? no D&D, please - they'd be better off facing reality if those are the options
8.Pistachio ice cream: so grood or no grood? if i knew what 'grood' meant, maybe i could answer that but in reality, no i'm not a fan of pistachio ice cream
9.Would you like to have a disease named after you? i certainly would - maybe the one that wipes out most of the human race
10.Have you ever said (blank) gave you the "heebie jeebies"? no, i prefer the 'creeps'
11.Is your favorite reality show contestant being voted off grounds for irrational and even violent behavior? see the answer to number nine
12.Do you wake up with a glad song in your heart? not really - i tend to be angry that the alarm clock is going off
13.Are you looking at a computer as you read this? uh...
14.Do you think modern hip hop has too much bling bling? see number nine again
15.Where do you think the dentist goes when he leaves the room? hmmm possibly to eat candy and laugh while your mouth bleeds
16.Do you ever say insulting things about yourself but mutter them in a hushed tone so you yourself can't hear what you're saying? i can usually hear myself
17.How many uses can you think of for white gravy? 5.7 billion, many involving cruel tricks
18.Did you ever have a velvet clown painting in your bedroom growing up? i remember the velvet things, but no waaay were there any clowns
19.Have you ever seen a hummer with a soccer decal on it? nope
20.When was the last time you "busted a move"? probably about five years ago under the influence of copious amounts of alcohol
21.Which crayon best describes you? i don't know, but my favorite is midnight blue
22.When was the last time you accidentaly left your pet in the refrigerator? fluff is still in the freezer actually - its too cold to bury her right now :(
23.Did the snow keep you from celebrating Kwanzaa this year? joyous kwanzaa
24.Have you ever assaulted somebody with a 2x4 while attending religious services? only the coffin
25.Have you ever said "I love you" to somebody just to get something you want like half of their sandwich? that's a good idea