My day with cedrick..then cody

Nov 18, 2004 15:58

Hey kids! last night was really fun! ok... when ced took me home i was here for about 15 min..then ced came and got me and we went to the coffee house! i had fun there... let me tell you something... Chris Castelleno is really fucking good! and Ryan and Eric play drums so kickasstically! and oo buddy...Kyle thats orgasmic right there! then ced and i got bored and we went driving around for a lil bit.. then he took me home. I was on icq for about a half an hour and then someone knocked at my door... it was cedrik! i was soo suprised to see him haha! i invited him in and he was like moselting my cat hahahahhaha jk... he was playing with stella and then he batted him in the eye!!! hahaha i felt so bad! Well... sence im not allowed to have guys in my house.. i told him we should prolly go.. so we did.. and we went racing around a lil bit... and the roads were kinda wet last night so ced and i were spinnin tires hahaha it was great! then we drove around some more and we called Cody! so it took him a while but we finally met up at the mall! we walked around there for a few minutes and cody got dip-n-dots lol... well we left from there and then when we were on beaver drive me and ced totally smoked cody hahaha he was a while behind haha... we came to this parkinglot across from the middle school and sat and talked for a while. then chapman showed up! it was like a union of the Imtic racers!!! haha all there cars are white too.. with the Imtic racer banners on them! i felt so bad cuz cody was like laying there on the pavement and he had his car on and he was staring into the headlights.. it was so emo lol... and he is all upset cuz lindley still hasnt givin him an answer... i felt so bad.. i tried really hard to get him to not be sad.. but it wouldnt work!... then i had to go cuz it was time for me to leave.. and ced was arguing with this nicole chick that he is going with to a dance at her college.. and he doesnt even wanna go.. but oh well... i will write more later.. my mom needs to use the phone..*rolls eyes*
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