Nov 16, 2004 04:48
hey hey! i didnt write yesterday.. so i will have to tell you about yesterday and the day before! On sunday i went with Cody to get something for his cd player in walmart... then we drove around for a long time haha but it was fun... then cedrik called and he told us to go to this parking lot thing (which we did) and we got there and cedrik wasnt there yet... but Eric Llwellyn and Bryan pryne and some other dude was there in a car a lil bit aways... well when ced did finally come.. he came down the little road thing... and pulled the "e brake" OMG IT LOOKED LIKE SOOO MUCH FUN! he went around in circles and... omg i was trying to get cody to do it hahaha but he wouldnt *tear*..I SHALL DO IT SOMEDAY... I SHALL!haha... well n eways... after that we went over to Advanced. All the lil street racing ppl were there and it was fun talking to them and stuff. Then Cody took me home. And that was Sunday night... Monday night i sat at home lol.. i was talking to cody and cedrik... and cody asked out lindley today.. well actually he gave her this lil poem thing that i helped him with, and he doesnt know what her reply is yet.. see i kinda like cody.. but i still hope she says yes haha. and then cedrik is having trouble with his g/f and he said there relationship we prolly be over by friday *aww.. i feel bad* but now i guess he likes some ciarra chick thats in college... hmm.. i kinda wished he liked me.. cuz i kinda..KINDA like him... mike was all pissy about it.. i cant even say the word cedrik to mike without him being all RAYR! but n e ways... CEDRIK GOT HIS LIP PEIRCED AND DYED HIS HAIR BLACK...WOOT WOOT CAN YOU SAY HOTTNESS?! omg lol.. now he is like my PERFECT guy... honestly.. ive always wanted a bf that likes to drive and race sometimes... and has black hair and a lip peircing!!!!!!! ASK ANYONE lol... but i dont think he would ever give me a chance, cuz i might be too young for him... oh well.... i wish him the best of luck with his relationship too.. its like i am wishing all these guys good luck with ppl... but wat i really want to say is... hey.. i like you.. how about giving me a chance! .. but i guess thats just the way my life is.. always make other ppl happy before i make my self happy...oh well.. some day i will find my happyness... anyone going to wish me goodluck?!