Dec 17, 2005 15:59
*december 17, 2005*
let's see. so far today i woke up a bit early but opted to stay in bed a bit longer. ended up finally waking up around 1ish. hooray extra sleep time. i ate breakfast while watching charlie's angels. worked out a bit too. and so here i am now. don't specifically know what's going on later today but we'll see. alright then, letterz for now ...
so yeah, i updated what i could today and then i got ready. chilled for a bit and then my babe came. we were going to costco cause they had the friends dvd series set on sale. so yeah, me and my babe went to the one by imperial ave and we signed up for a costco membership. sometimes babe posed weird in his pic. not really weird but yeah, hehe. anyways, looked around and we got the last friends dvd set. *whew*. finally!!! hehe. looked around some more. got some breadsticks. wanted some other stuff but just got those two items. by this time costco was closing anyways. got the stuff and then left. ended up going to target to buy my dad's xmas present. bought him the charlie cologne and i found the perfume my mom wanted there too, burberry. so yeah, bought those two and a few other things and then left. went back to my babe's house to chill a bit. ate a few of the breadsticks and some ice cream. ate a few of their holiday cookies too. mmm they were good. after chilling for a while, babe dropped me off home and he left. i chilled a bit and stuff. worked out a bit and ate dinner. watched some tv, went online a bit, talked to my babe, and then eventually slept ...
*december 16, 2005*
today i woke up around 5ish. ate breakfast and got ready. went to work. 7-3 today. cleaned up a bit up at the cashwrap and then was assigned to help bring in the truck. i was a stacker. struggled with 1 or 2 boxes (dangget no upper body strength) but got through. hehe. we finished in about 20 minutes. then i was main cashier. cleaned up the bins and rang people up. pretty much finished the bins and then i went on break. got back and rang some more. then went to lunch. pretty boring. took a little nap and then ate my daily lean pocket. got back to work. cashiered some more. pretty busy today. restacked the bags and gift boxes. after my last break, i also helped recover the loungewear area before clocking out for the day. left work and then went to the chiropractor. today's appointment was pretty quick. they did the usual massage thing and had this staple-like appliance go on my back. 20 minutes. that wasn't bad. after that i just went home. ate a bit and watched some tv and then took my nap. ended up waking up around 10ish. that's a pretty long nap. hehe. called up my babe and asked if he could come over. he eventually did but he wasn't sure if he wanted to go to the bowling thing at midnight. =/. tried helping him with this one wire thing in his mouth from his braces a long time ago. after a while, we ended up going to parkway bowl. got lost a bit but arrived. got my bowling shoes and bowled and had fun. met up with old and current co-workers. had a great time. it's a rarity that i go out anyways and so it's good that i had some fun. chilled a bit and thought about going to chani's house for a party thing. asked my babe and he preferred going home. so yeah, just went home. babe left and then i just chilled at home. couldn't sleep cause i took my pretty long nap earlier. ended up sleeping around 3ish. ahh! oh wells. at least i don't have work tomorrow. that's good. =)
*december 15, 2005*
today i woke up around 10ish. it's good cause i got to sleep in a bit. =). ate breakfast while watching tv. then i showered and got ready. went to work. 12-8 today. pretty much cashiered and recovered most of the day. also did a few accessory gobacks. it was cool. bought my two long sleeves and a thermal using my coupon. hooray! also recovered girls and such. got around half of it done before having to ring and be cashier. recovered a bit more and then clocked out. stan said i could stay until 9 but i just went home instead for whatever reason. left work and then went home. chilled a bit. watched apprentice. i secretly wanted rebecca to win but randall ended up winning. either way though, he deserved it. that last part was bleh though. trump asked randall if he would hire rebecca to manage the other job but then he declined saying that there should only be one apprentice. it would have been cool if they both got it but oh wells. i guess it's just and all that stuff. i think they both did a great job though. i admire randall's speaking ability. i wish i could be that eloquent when speaking (instead of being nervous and messing up badly on a stupid interview). =/. so after that, just chilled. went online, talked to my babe, etc. ended up sleeping pretty late again cause of my bad sleeping habits.
*december 14, 2005*
today i woke up early again. ate breakfast and then got ready. went to work. 6-2 today. wanted to do the accessory moves today but then i was assigned for markdowns. oh wells. started on the boys section. had to recover a bit because they didn't get to recover much of it last night. after recovering most of the shop, i did markdowns. there weren't as many which is good. i also reorganized some things around as well as bring things down from upstock. it took long when i had to markdown and reorganize the basic sweaters but ended up finishing it. lunch was okay. nothing interesting. went back to work. worked on girls markdowns and recovery. did what we could and eventually came time to clock out. clocked out at 2 and then left. went to the chiropractor. first the massage therapist did the usual massage. it was cool cause i got to catch up on some sleep. hehe. then i went and met with the chiropractor. he cracked my back. he said i needed to do situps and build up ab muscles cause i have a flat back. i kind of like the thought of having a flat back but then i'd much rather have a healthy back than a flat one. so yeah, it's good too cause it gives me an incentive to do situps. i do them occassionally but not recently since the accident. now i need to refocus and keep on doing them again. after therapy, went to the dollar tree to exchange something. bought a few things along the way. then i went home and then ate a bit. took my usual nap. woke up later on in the evening. ate dinner while watching tv. missed veronica mars. bleh. hopefully it was a rerun. we'll see though. no new lost and so i just chilled and watched more xmas with the cranks. then watched south park and drawn together. while doing all that, i also did some situps and pushups and stuff. did what i could at least. then i showered and went online. chilled. talked to my babe and then eventually said good night.
*december 13, 2005*
today i woke up around 4:30. chilled and ate breakfast and got ready. went to work. 6-1:30. i was originally scheduled for 8 but i asked damian if i could come in early today. so yeah, i ended up working on the accessory shipment. did a few moves and replenishing here and there. finished up arlando's walls in mens and then moved on to actual boxes of replenishment. lunch was quick. only a 30 but it's good. hehe. finished up in accessories and helped out wherever. then clocked out at 1:30. left work and then went to blockbuster. returned the dvd's and rented xmas with the kranks and daddy day care. went home and washed my hair and then got a haircut. i'm thinking of growing my hair a bit. hopefully it stays spiky for a while. went home and a bit. then took my daily nap. woke up later on in the day. no biggest loser or commander in chief today so i decided to start watching xmas with the kranks. it's pretty good so far. =). while watching it, i colored my hair. i thought i could do it well with 1/2 of the remaining hair color i had but then after about an hour of waiting, the back and sides were still a bit black. thought of just keeping it like that but decided against it. mixed up a new batch and then colored the sides and the back of my hair. after a while, it looked good. =). chilled a bit and then took a shower. after that, went online. talked to my babe a bit. eventually slept ...
*december 12, 2005*
let's see. today i woke up around 4:30ish. ate breakfast and then got ready. went to work. 6-2 today. me and chris were doing women's markdowns. so yeah, i started in womens feature. it took a while but then i got it all done. by this time, chris was helping out and we just took specific shops. i did feature, denim, and collection and he did active and casual. i also did main street while he moved on to clearance. did moves and all that jazz. hehe. clocked out at 2. then headed off to the chiropractor. i was 30 minutes early and so i just chilled. doc did the whole heat and massage thing while i waited for the massage therapist. she came and then she massaged me like last time. ended the treatment around 3:30. then went home. ate a bit and then took my nap. woke up later on in the evening. chilled and did whatever. worked out a bit and watched tv. hooray gauntlet 2. boo jo! =/. i initially liked her but then she became a bitch. eww. i like danny. he's cute. i wonder how long he'll last. anyways, after that i chilled and then took a shower. went online and chilled. talked to my babe a bit and then eventually slept ...