Missing old Friends

Mar 11, 2004 17:37

I haven't spoke to Jennifer in a really long time.and every time i do she sounds like she could care less to talk to me.I haven't talked to Chris(stewart) in forever.he's just an ass to me now.and i miss steph a lil. We always had kick ass moments.she acts so much like a stoner...but isn't!she knew how to have "clean fun".and honestly,i think that's what I liked the most about her.she was naturally stonned.heh...
Last night I was so tired that when chris called my cell
i didnt get to it in time(it was right next to me) and on the last ring i answered but he already hung up...but...then i jumped up or no reason and went into the living room and my mom said"was that your phone?" and i said"no..um...that was savvy's."
mom- why is savvy's phone here?when was she here?
me-umm..she was hanging out with us on friday and gave it to me by mistake.
mom-lemme see it.
me-wait...um it's becky.whoops sorry.

wts?dude it was my phone ringing...at 8:30pm!why was i trying to lie?that was so fucking gay!ha...i'm a loser.

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