I need literary and emotional anti rage.
So a thankful list.
I am thankful for the following:
Cookie my bestie. Cookie baby I love you so fucking much you don't even know.
I am thankful for fellow authors who enjoy erotica that is harder and bloodier than most.
I am thankful that Uniballer made me get a belt awhile back. otherwise there would be a lot of pants around ankles moments going on.
I am thankful I found my full bottle of allgery medication.
I am thankful that Johnson's Vanilla Oatmeal babywash was on sale at Safeway and therefor my ass (yes literally my ass cheeks) is not itchy anymore.
I am thankful for having a serious stash of tea at work.
I am thankful to work somewhere where, I can fly my freak flag without bullshit. Occasional ribbing or damn girl that's a lot of boobage is awesome.
I am also thankful for coworkers who will warm me about tall person Boob POV.
I am thankful for learning new things. Today I learned that I enjoy osmanthus flower tea.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osmanthus it tastes a little like chrysanthemum so of course I like it.
I am thankful that I have met some very cool people on the internets lately and they outweigh the fail of former classmates etc.
I am thankful for the blues and real soul music that I can sing along to.
I am thankful that awesome is still in the world.
ETA: I finally got some food because work was insane today and my blood sugar was low enough I was feeling a little..err a lot wee in the head.
And this.
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All that said I would like to lodge a complaint being that I have yet to develop my big balls metal voice. I am kinda butthurt about that. Although Universe I'm pretty sure I get why you can't let that happen I would never shut the fuck up.
No really I wouldn't.