Discovered in the Wrapping Paper - 18th December - CI5hq: D-Noticed

Dec 18, 2021 21:47

Hello, and happy 18th December! My present for Dialj-readers and Pros fans in general is something that will hopefully be long-lasting and interactive (like all good toys *g*).

I have made a new Pros comm! I know, I know - in these days of lj-passing-us-by, what use is another Pros lj going to be? Well, it has long occured to me that we have nowhere to save our Pros ephemera in a single place where people can find it easily. You know the kind of things - newspaper and magazine articles, autographed pictures, scribbled notes, images and reviews of plays that the lads (or anyone from Pros) were in years later. So... I have made somewhere!

I hope that lots of people will share and archive things here for us all to wander and browse, and for future Pros fans to find. At least that was the thought!

So without futher ado, I give you: ci5hq-dnoticed! And if nothing else, maybe there's a bit of interesting reading or pic-gazing for you tonight. *g*

Come and see what's here! Join the comm! Come and play!

slantedlight, wrappingpaper

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