Let 2019 begin - Discovered in the Fog!

Jan 08, 2019 18:03

Not that I'm jumping right in or anything, but - shall we have some new discoveredinalj challenges this year? It's been a while since we had a go at this, but January's usually quiet, and on the one hand we're still getting over the excitement of Christmas and the New Year and all, but on the other... Challenge?!

It occurred to me when I was writing the challenge-end post yesterday for Discovered on a Midnight Clear that actually the silly wee bit that I included just for fun could be so many stories, and wouldn't it be fun to see how other people imagined things and made them interesting, and I don't think we've had this kind of prompt before, and...and... *g* Plus it has been rather foggy out there lately, and although winter in the lads' world can be rather grim and grey, they are eternally our lights shining in the gloom! Shall we have some lights shining in January?! So here is your challenge, should you choose to accept it!

Use any or all of these elements to create a post for Discovered in the Fog:

...they happen to get lost together in the fog somewhere...
...and end up trapped in some small space...
...very close to each other...
...desperately trying to keep warm...
...and survive the night...
(Or use none of them if you prefer, and are otherwise inspired by the idea of being Discovered in the Fog)! It could be a story, drabble, poem, artwork, vid, craftwork... anything you're inspired to create that's related to the challenge. Well, and Pros, obviously... *g*

Please comment below if you would like to join in (or don't comment, and just surprise us... *g*) and then make your post to the community any time between now and the end of January. The posting deadline is midnight in your own time zone (or if you're right on the edge, then feel free to use Pago Pago time *g*) on 31st January. Don't forget that we use trailers here at discoveredinalj - the format can be found on the User Info page for copying-and-pasting, and it goes at the end of your post under a cut so that no one's spoilered if they don't want to be.

What do you think - is anyone out there...? *g*


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