Jul 12, 2004 00:24
and so I just heard on CNN news that the government thinks that terrorists may strike around the time of the elections in order to *disrupt the democratic process* and so, in hopes of preventing this from happening, they think it would be a good idea to: (wait for it)
they havn't even done it yet, they are just considering it, its like a heads up!!, HELLO, who thinks this makes sense?: We cannot allow those terrorists to *possibly* harm the democratic process, no!! the democratic process must not be disrupted.. I KNOW!! we'll STALL THE DEMOCRATIC ELECTION.
fuck. this is scaryandfucked thank you very much.
didn't everybody get that lesson about what happens when everybody turns a blind eye and appeases insane people with insane political agendas, hoping that a reign of mind control through terror will simply disappear quietly?
it shouldnt come as a surprise that W. will use slimy creepy disgusting hypocritical unconstitutional tactics to stay in the white house when he used methods that i would describe the same way in order to get in there in the first place.
who else wants to go to Canada? its a beeyoootiful country.