El Amor Brujo

May 24, 2011 12:32

Final laps! I had Zumba certification Friday... all day! We had an hour long master class, then learned all the rhythms and broke down steps and variations to music. I was so tired by 4:30, my legs were buckling! That said, I am loving this new gig. I've had a bit of a cheeky attitude about it because-- Have you seen some of these Zumba obsessed people?! They have all the clothes, the bigger the logo, the better! Now that I've gotten into it, though, I really appreciate what this workout does for people. In one hour you can burn around 850 calories, but you don't even feel like you're working out. It's kind of like dancing at a club: super fast paced, great energy and fun, plus no hangover the next day ;).

One of my favorite parts is that instructors have a good deal of autonomy. We abide by basic guidelines, but beyond that we can choose our own music and put our own "flavor" into our classes. I've learned basic steps for meringue, cumbia, salsa, samba and raeggaton. There are many other styles that you can incorporate, like swing, bollywood, calypso, belly dance, west african and hip hop. So I am learning a TON. And everything is based on the music, so you get great experience at picking apart songs and being rhythmically accurate (which helps with other styles of dance too).

My last class day in Ballet I was Monday. We had presentations and a party, and my students were super sweet. Many of them have signed up to take Zumba- one of my favorite students told me that she is taking Zumba for both semesters!

No more paychecks from STA, but I got some great summer work. I'll be teaching an art/creative movement camp combo for the first two weeks of June, and the pay is awesome. Then, there is summer ministry work.

Grad school application is in, but I'm having trouble with some of the paperwork. What a headache! I wrote all my essays and when I hit the "submit" button, the page refreshed and everything was blank. Bastard website.

Zoe and Joby are healthy and happy. Zoe told me that her lunch was "scrumptious!" No accidents so far this week, hurray! Joby did his first forward-shoulder roll yesterday. He is such a climber. I frequently have to pull him out of precarious perches. Earlier today, I couldn't find him and freaked out because it was soooo quiet... I ran into the room that he and Zoe share, and he was sitting in front of the bookcase, surrounded by books, with his "Go Diego" board book in his lap. During art time today he managed to draw without eating too many crayons, and he said, "Color color color color!!!!" He also says "go" and a few other new words. Zoe has been teaching him about animals and colors by sharing all of our stuffed toys with him, and saying, "Here Joby! This is a _animal_. It is _color_." Didn't even have to tell her! Love my kids =)

Can't wait to have some adventures with Josh this summer... as soon as our work schedules are finalized, we can plan some inexpensive trips. I want to take the kids to Hawaiian Falls, and we are considering floating the river in New Braunfels.

I'm volunteering at CBD tonight. No word yet on whether Zumba will make over there... But I am hopeful! Still no contract from the high school for next year. I'm assuming that I'll have a job because my students have told me that they've signed up for the classes I teach... It is hard to be patient! I want to know what my schedule will be.
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