Pleading for patience

May 17, 2011 12:19

I am one week away from being done for the semester at regular work, and I finished up R.E. classes last week. It has been a huge trial for me to balance all this stuff with trying to get graduate and certification things in order. Drill Team Spring Show, the last sunday of classes in 3rd and 6th grade, and Mother's Day all fell on the same weekend... I worked 13 days straight. Which is fine, but I wish I'd had more grace about working through Mother's Day weekend. I was kind of peeved about that.

Classes are winding down really well, though. R.E. ended on a positive note, and I am confident that the energy I put into my lesson planning is not wasted. Drill Team spring show went fine, and the number I choreographed was a huge hit. I had so much fun getting the girls ready for the show and staging the dance- Oh my gosh! I could do that all the time! Even the late rehearsals were fun. Great energy, lovely group of girls.

Zumba certification is Friday! I am nervous about it, but so thrilled at the opportunity to add to my resume and learn something new. The school paid for it. I already have one possible summer job lined up teaching Zumba, and I am seeking more work. Teaching fitness classes is fun, and I like getting a good workout in when I teach. I haven't lost much weight this semester (about 4 pounds), but all my clothes fit better and I have a lot more energy.

It is hard to work and balance my life as a mom of two toddlers, but the pay off is so worth it. I appreciate my time home with the kids so much after working, and I like that I have my own "adult" sphere where I am teaching, learning and interacting with people in a professional setting. Also, the fact that we're... you know... able to keep the electricity going... is nice. No money for eating out, or new clothes, or fancy meals in, but it is worth it. I'm also trying to use the extra time to build a good foundation for future, full time employment. I think my work history looks really good, but I have to work on getting some credentials.

Zoe and Joby are doing well, although Zoe picked up a bug over the weekend and has had a fever for going on four days. Joby is healthy and happy. He has been talking, and says all kind of things... "book" "hi!" "buh bye" "night night" "yes" and "no" are among his first words. He's not a big kid, but he's really solid and quite strong.

Right now I am praying for a more consistent schedule and more work from my main job at the high school. I enjoy working there and I've tried to show them that I'm committed and hard working. They've given me many more opportunities for paid work next year, including being the official moderator of the Praise Dance club and adding classes like Zumba and advanced levels of dance for next year. It's all a matter of numbers now: if the classes make, I'll have more work. I hope that I can teach art again. I really, really miss teaching art.

Zoe, whose vocabulary continues to astonish me, may go into preschool next year. It depends a lot on my schedule and what that would do to our childcare cost. I think she is mature enough to handle it, and she talks about going to school all the time. She loves her ballet class and told me that she wants to learn violin. Between our nanny, Maria, and her favorite shows (Dora and Diego), Zoe has learned whole phrases in Spanish and can ask and answer questions. We run into some behavioral problems because she is SO strong willed and she gets easily overwhelmed, but won't nap anymore, etc. She is so sweet and loving, but on a bad day she can drive me nuts with her attempts at manipulation! I'm teaching her creative movement and art at home on my days off. She knows her primary colors and can mix paint and take care of her brushes. Joby is still really little, but he knows some songs now and enjoys reading with us and playing with books.
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