Jun 21, 2010 19:43
So much to bitch about, so little time.
BASICALLY: Fanfic writers are frequently hypocrites. GK fandom doesn't take consent nearly seriously enough for my comfort. NCIS writers (of the show, not necessarily fic) are transphobic, as are Kate, Gibbs, and Abby (Abby? REally? Didn't happen!)
Transexuality is not a funny gag. It is a sensitive issue. And just because she still had a dick, did not make Voss any less a woman. The longer that ep. sits in my brain, the more enraged I get. See, from fandom, I had gotten the idea that Voss was a drag queen, not a transexual, but she obviously was. She was even planning on having bottom surgery. "Tony's on a date with a guy?" NO. NO HE'S NOT. HE'S ON A DATE WITH A WOMAN WITH A PENIS.
Continues rant hours later:
The worst part, I think, is that FANDOM refers to Voss as a guy. Fandom should be up in arms about this, not making me think she was a drag queen.
fandom: ncis,
multiple fandoms,
my issues: gender,
fandom: generation kill