totally awesome!!!

Jan 13, 2008 18:48

THIS is a message i got today. I'm so pumped. It made my day!!!


I'm exploring the divine feminine so I did a facebook search for it and the event page for your recital showed up in the results. I've always been one to link things to music and I was wondering if in this recital you performed your own work that you wrote yourself, or if you performed work written by other people. If it was written by others, could you please tell me what was included? I'm currently very interested in divine feminine images/symbology and I would be very curious to find out. I enjoy when ideas of the divine feminine (or any number of other things) are expressed in song. (I believe Tori Amos is a very good example of this). I live in a very rural community with minimum culture and when I hear of the existence of events such as your recital, I get all excited to find that enlightened activities do indeed occur somewhere. I'm also fairly new to the divine feminine concept and haven't found anyone locally with a similar interest in the subject. I apologize for my randomness.


So, I responded and helped her out. damn it feels good to be a gangsta.
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