List Of Places I've Applied:
Lowes, Home Depot, Fidelity Investments, 5/3rd Bank, Key Bank, U.S. Bank, CitiBank, Huntington Bank, FedEx, DHL, UPS, Cincinnati Bell, General Electric, Cinergy, (then the desperation set in and) Wal-Mart, Meijers, Starbucks, REGIS, Gamestop, Paradise Shops (an airport store)... etc.
List Of Staffing Services I've Been To:
One Stop, Adeco, CBS, Personnel Plus (and one other place i can't think of)
List Of Interviews:
Fidelity Investments, CitiBank, U.S. Bank & Home Depot.
List Of Jobs:
Home Depot (part time, only like 8 hours a week).
What does all of that mean? It means i'm fooked.
Well, it's been another winter wonderland here in KY. It was over 95 degrees today and i decided to give up the fight and just sat poolside and then go play some basketball. It's already too late for me to pay my bills on time, even rent, so i'm out on my ear. My brother is looking at an apartment up the road and i feel like a goddamn bum. I keep wondering what the hell is wrong with me and why i can't get a job? But, i guess it's just meant to turn out this way. Fate and what-not. So soon i may not have a phone, my truck or a place to live on top of my already lacking internet. Oh well, what the hell.
Tried calling Adam back, but once again, got no response. I wanted to sit down and talk to him about his time in N.C. before things turn to total shit. It's always uplifting talking to Adam Bass.
Haven't heard from Jen "Baka" or Katie "Sabbers" since that wierdass potluck party they had. I was feeling pretty wierd the whole time and i may have said or done something to offend some people, so i kind of expected it. I do miss hanging out with them though.
I hit another wall with the book. Damn writers block! I have about 18 chapters done and now it's up against a wall.
Finally saw Pirates Of The Carribean last week. It was a pretty good movie, but i had way more fun watching "The Family Guy Movie." Good god, i haven't laughed that hard in a long time! My face seriously hurt from laughing so hard! ALL of you should go and see it!
Amanda dropped me a line (which none of you other ingrates have done) via MySpace to let me know about my letter. Apparently i'm getting something BETTER than "just a letter" so i'm excited! Hopefully it comes before September 1st because i'll probably have a different address by then. And Amanda, if you read this, good luck in GA! I know you've wanted to get out of St. Pete for a loooong time now, so i'm really excited for you! Best wishes pretty lady.
I can't help but think of the lyrics to "Fight Test" by The Flaming Lips right now. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.