Jan 24, 2014 06:34
This will be kind of short. I have to leave for work in a few minutes. I just wanted to update on my friend. She had black set in on her hand and if she miraculously recovers, she will lose her left hand, two right fingers, and the tips on the rest of her fingers. She was sedated since Sunday but the Dr.'s started to wean her off the sedation and she is not waking up. There is little to no brain activity and her son said if she has no brain activity, he is not keeping her alive on machinery. I know it all started with a urinary tract infection and moved throughout her whole body. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Thanks.
I'm on a writing site called bubblews.com. I do like it but I'm not a big writer and am usually pretty busy after work. I do not do the writing to make bucks. If I make a few, cool but I have a fulltime job. I do not rely on the site to make money. I enjoy reading posts from people though. Subjects I'm not interested in, I make sure I like their posts. There is just so many and I do it on the kindle, so it's harder cuz it's so small. I really just try to update in spare time. It's pretty cool though you get paid to write anything. I like it! I just don't rely on it for $$. I could never be an at home writer. For how much I hate my job most times, I have to be up and about throughout the day. I wouldn't want to sit at home so much. On another note, gotta leave. Have a great day everyone!