Mar 26, 2010 13:57
Apologies for my prolonged abscence. Only just got my computer back last week and haven't really felt like writing since then. I was thinking on the long journey from Safety Bay to Kenwick about how I'm getting old.
Reasons Jess is getting old:
- Watches the (non-SBS) news and wonders what the world is coming to.
- Thinks everyone under 21 should stand up straight (Taylor Momsen of 'Gossip Girl' is the biggest culprit in the whole world).
- Embracing concept of living in a walled community.
- Embracing concept of high-waisted pants.
- Does not, will not ever understand skinny jeans.
- Dismayed by prospect of "90210" fashion.
- Gets very angry at poor drivers, to the point of swearing and fist-shaking.
- Uses the words 'tarnation' and 'constarnit'.
- Gets very angry at people who don't stand for old people on public transport.
- Wonders why she should bother going out when there's perfectly good booze at home. Goes 'tsk' over the price of a single cocktail.
- Wore trackies on aforementioned massive public transport trip.
- Changes channel whenever something resembling hip hop comes on radio.
- Had a flanellette shirt that Mum bought me from Woolworth's and wore it around two years ago, for warmth.
- Waves at small children and talks to babies.
- Had to buy 'Hottest 100' CD to find out what had been listening to all year.
- Thinks a trip to the city is just too exhausting to contemplate.
- Actually starting to be surprised by/interested in fuel prices.
Next time, I will consider rebuttal.