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This is the feedback I wrote to Mountain Dew. Sometimes I just get angry about these ads and it builds up and eventually I do something about it. I seriously don't understand advertising unisex products to one gender (usually male) - you lose out on more than half of your audience. Fucking misogynistic fuckwits.
"Regarding your AMP energy drink campaign "AMP up before you score":
Way to go, alienating more than half of your advertising clientele. I guess you don't want to sell energy drinks to girls. Unless you were counting lesbians too. Or would that be offensive? Because men and women really are so different, and because women are simply a bunch of semi-identical codes that need to be decoded before you get into their pants?! If you're going for shock value, ten points, you have contributed to a world of media awash with frat/bro/rape culture. We are sitting up and paying attention. Because you're encouraging men to use women, and talk about them like used objects on the internet. This is offensive, disingenious bullshit. And I'm going to tell all the people I know (by gosh! Some men actually don't want to use women and throw them away!) not to buy your product."