+ Movie Theater Website
+ Student Life Redesign
+ Community service Website
+ Soc 100: Research project
For the first time IN my life, I actually have one - but can't live it because of school and work; wtf. That right there is what frustrates me the most. There are expectations of me all around but all I want to do is hang out with the people I like and love and enjoy the fact that there are people out there that like and love me...
...which really is fine. Just not condusive to getting projects and work done.
How do people manage such a life? I'm only two weeks into a 12 week semester and already I'm on the verge of a mental breakdown. Certainly I'm overreacting - this is college after all, there's got to be a way I can balance work, school, and play without sacrificing one for the other.
I just need to figure that out, find my groove, and stop stressing out about every little thing.
I miss my winter break schedule. =/