(no subject)

Sep 16, 2008 22:11

Who: Residents of Gohl Ave. Rowhouse
Where: 1st floor apartment, Living Room.
When: Early to Late Evening, the night after Prince's kidnapping incident
Rating: PG? Except that parental guidance is few and far between in the punkass kid's house, and comes in the form of Iroh. Who does pretty passive guidance, if he can get away with it.
Summary: Prydain calls a House Meeting Time! Its a night for hanging out together, ironing out a few issues, and maybe whipping out the crayons for a team game of pictionary or two. (Yes, people, that means prepare yourselves for stellar MSpaint tiems.)
the log:

Gallon jug of purplish grape drink on the table. A large pot of don't-ask-what-meat stew, bubbling brown with thick gravy broth, and dozen or so mismatched mugs and spoons. Paper. Crayons. Two Tonberry lanterns, lit on the coffeetable, which looked sturdy enough to have withstood the weight of a adolescent boy standing on it quite a few times before...

Prydain lounged sideways in of the armchairs, his eyes intense with a proud sort of glow at having all his housemates in one place, clustered around the small room, safe and well defended and some of the sharpest survivors in the city. He was fiercely proud of this, his house, his quasi-family, running crew, tightly forged and handpicked circle of trusted friends and allies. New people had been added in not to long ago, and those in time would be loosely initiated too, tried and tested, complete with cheeky nicknames.

They were his own. Not that he ruled over them, or tried to be too pushy of a leader (though he would brag, he would sometimes blurt ideas as absolutes without thinking, as any reckless kid trying too hard to prove his confidence), but they were his, Riku didn't have them first, and only Namine belonged to any of Sora's memories, the rest were friends he'd found and grown with for his own story.

"So....how's everyone doing lately?" He offered with a casual shrug to the group at large, taking a swig of his Kool Aid. "Is there anything we should all talk about at once, besides securing the house, and maybe supply-check."

[ kingdom hearts ] namine

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